let's rank all the Anthrax albums!


Whistler's father
Mar 11, 2002
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i don't know how many times this has been done before, rank all the Anthrax albums from favourite to least favourite and write your fav. and least fav. song off each album in brackets.

my view on the recorded works of Anthrax:
1) Among The Living (+Caught In A Mosh, -One World)
2) Fistful Of Metal (+Deathrider, -Death From Above)
3) State Of Euphoria (+Finale, -Antisocial)
4) Sound Of White Noise (+Burst, -Only)
5) Spreading The Disease (+Madhouse, -AIR)
6) Persistence Of Time (+One Man Stands, -In My World)
7) Stomp 442 (+Random Acts Of Senseless Violence, -Tester)
8) We've Come For You All (+What Doesn't Die, -Strap It On)
9) Volume 8: The Threat Is Real (+Catharsis, -Toast To The Extras)
1.Persistence Of Time
2.Spreading The Disease
3.State Of Euphoria
4.Fistful Of Metal
5.Among The Living
6.Sound Of White Noise
7.We've Come For You All
8.Stomp 442
9.Volume 8 The Threat Is Real
i don't know how many times this has been done before, rank all the Anthrax albums from favourite to least favourite and write your fav. and least fav. song off each album in brackets.

my view on the recorded works of Anthrax:
1) Among The Living (+Caught In A Mosh, -One World)
2) Fistful Of Metal (+Deathrider, -Death From Above)
3) State Of Euphoria (+Finale, -Antisocial)
4) Sound Of White Noise (+Burst, -Only)
5) Spreading The Disease (+Madhouse, -AIR)
6) Persistence Of Time (+One Man Stands, -In My World)
7) Stomp 442 (+Random Acts Of Senseless Violence, -Tester)
8) We've Come For You All (+What Doesn't Die, -Strap It On)
9) Volume 8: The Threat Is Real (+Catharsis, -Toast To The Extras)

1. Among The Living Entire album rules no fillers no bad songs
2. Persistence of Time Love the entire album. Favorites are Time, Discharge, Keep it In the Family
3. Spreading The Disease - hard to find anything I don't like. Medusa, Madhouse, Gung Ho amazing
4. State of Euphoria - Be all End All favorite. Some semi fillers
5. Fistful of Metal - Deathrider, Metal Thrashing Mad are the shit
6. Sound of White Noise - Don't really like much on this album but for Bushtrax is the best
7. We've come for you all - I like What doesn't Die... the rest i don't really want to hear ever again
8. Stomp 442 - don't like any of it but it 'Anthrax' so I have to list it
9. Volume 8. Inside out is listenable. Other than that this album is total garbage.
i can listen to their first 4 albums + SOWN without skipping a song, on POT there are some songs that i could do without and on the records that followed SOWN i can count the songs that i like on one maybe two hands.
TINAE was the song i didn't like on the album when White Noise was new, it's still not among my fav. tunes but i like it.

White Noise seems to be the most accepted Bushthrax-record among oldschoolers.
1. WCFYA (+ Any Place But Here, - Strap It On)
2. Volume 8 (+ Catharsis, - Killing Box)
3. SOWN (+ Potters Field, - Hy Pro Glo)
4. Stomp 442 (+ Nothing, - Drop The Ball)
5. Spreading The Disease (+ S.S.C., - Medusa)
6. Persistence Of Time (+ Discharge, - H8 Red)
7. Among The Living (+ N.F.L., - A.D.I.)
8. State Of Euphoria (+ Be All End All, - Schism)
9. Fistful Of Metal (+ Panic, - Death From Above)
johnnie, we've got something in common, 'Strap It On' least fav. on WCFYA, 'Catharsis' fav. on Vol. 8, 'Death From Above' least. fav. on FOM
1. We've Come For You All - Anyplace But Here/Crash
2. Among The Living - Among The Living/ADI
3. Sound Of White Noise - Packaged Rebellion/This Is Not An Exit
4. Persistance Of Time - Got The Time/H8 Red
5. State Of Euphoria - Be All, End All/13
6. Stomp 442 - Random Acts/Bare
7. Spreading The Disease - Medusa/Stand Or Fall
8. Volume 8 - Crush/Harms Way
9. Fistful Of Metal - Deathrider/Soldiers Of Metal

BUT the only Anthrax albums I dislike and don't listen to are Vol 8 and Fistful.
1. Spreading The Disease
2. Among The Living
3. Persistence Of Time
4. State Of Euphoria
5. Sound Of White Noise
6. Fistful Of Metal
7. We've Come For You All
8. Stomp 442
9. Volume 8
1. SOWN (+ Packaged Rebellion, - Sodium Pentothal)
2. WCFYA (+ Any Place But Here, - Strap It On)
3. Volume 8 (+ Catharsis, - Cupajoe)
4. Stomp 442 (+ Fueled, - Drop The Ball)
5. Persistence Of Time (+ Belly of the Beast, - H8 Red)
6. State Of Euphoria (+ Be All End All, - Schism)
7. Among The Living (+ Among the Living, - A.D.I.)
8. Spreading The Disease (+ Lone Justice, - Medusa)
9. Fistful Of Metal (+ Deathrider, - Death From Above)

SOWN: the perfect album, no filler, just good song. They added the missing ingredient that POT did not have, John Bush.
WCFYA: the best Anthrax's line-up.
Stomp and V8: I like them has a 4 pieces.
POT: the best Joey's album and the best Joey's melody line.
SOE: sound is weak, unfortunately because it's a very strong album, Who cares win and Be all and all are my 2 faves Joeythrax song.
STD: Best Joey's vocal. On top of his art, unfortunately he go downhill after that.
FOM: great album, but i'm not a big fan of Turbin's voice, would've been better with Joey. This album was suited for John's voice, on GOTE he is very strong on FOM's song.
FOM: great album, but i'm not a big fan of Turbin's voice, would've been better with Joey. This album was suited for John's voice, on GOTE he is very strong on FOM's song.

Well, to be fair Neil Turbin is the biggest reason I don't like Fistful. Like you said, the new versions on GOTE are great, so they're not that bad songs. This album is a victim of the times.
Vol. 8-Some Fill
STD-Joey's Best
S442-Weaker production
POT-Excellent production....with Bush this would be #2, or #3
ATL-Poor production, mostly great songs
SOE-Laughable for the most part, "13" anyone?
FOM-Neil Turbin's Best ever, GOTE proved the songs were decent if sung properly.
1. We've Come For You All (+Any Place But Here, -Crash)
2. Sound Of White Noise (+Packaged Rebellion, -Burst)
3. Among The Living (+Among The Living, -One World)
4. Vol. 8 (+Catharsis, -Cupajoe)
5. Stomp 442 (+Random Acts Of Senseless Violence, -Drop The Ball)
6. Persistance Of Time (+Time, -Intro To Reality)
7. Spreading The Disease (+A.I.R., -S.S.C./Stand Or Fall)
8. State Of Euphoria (+Be All, End All, -13)
9. Fistful Of Metal (Can't really stand much on this, though I like re-recorded versions on GOTE).
i just swallowed a crapper fly and now i've got more brains in my stomach than in my head.

it's ok.

Stormwatch is such an amazing biker:
1. SOWN (+ Packaged Rebellion, - Sodium Pentothal)
2. WCFYA (+ Any Place But Here, - Strap It On)
3. Volume 8 (+ Catharsis, - Cupajoe)
4. Stomp 442 (+ Fueled, - Drop The Ball)
5. Persistence Of Time (+ Belly of the Beast, - H8 Red)
6. State Of Euphoria (+ Be All End All, - Schism)
7. Among The Living (+ Among the Living, - A.D.I.)
8. Spreading The Disease (+ Lone Justice, - Medusa)
9. Fistful Of Metal (+ Deathrider, - Death From Above)

SOWN: the perfect album, no filler, just good song. They added the missing ingredient that POT did not have, John Bush.
WCFYA: the best Anthrax's line-up.
Stomp and V8: I like them has a 4 pieces.
POT: the best Joey's album and the best Joey's melody line.
SOE: sound is weak, unfortunately because it's a very strong album, Who cares win and Be all and all are my 2 faves Joeythrax song.
STD: Best Joey's vocal. On top of his art, unfortunately he go downhill after that.
FOM: great album, but i'm not a big fan of Turbin's voice, would've been better with Joey. This album was suited for John's voice, on GOTE he is very strong on FOM's song.

This is almost perfect. :headbang: but i'm gonna take Inside Out of Catharsis.
1. Persistence Of Time--great production, great sound, great songs, and pinnacle of song writing ability
2. State of Euphoria--grossly underrated, great songs but shitty production
3. Spreading the Disease-great sound, good vibe to the record
4. Among The Living-Don't know if I listened to it too much but all the songs have the same vibe to them
5. SOWN-Liked it for non Joey album, several solid songs but not Anthrax
6. FOM-good moments, not a fan of Neil. I'm Eighteen and Deathrider are my standouts
7/8 (tie) WCFYA and Stomp--ok, nothing great. Music lacks the hook of earlier material
9. Vol 8--WTF is this?? I thought this was retarded Pantera. A song about coffee??? Thats what SOD is for