Random Death Metal Playlist for Workout

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
I wanna make a playlist for my mp3 player rather than a bunch of albums. I mainly listen to death metal (old-school...no holygawdfuhkshit!!11IM BROOTALertehnJEW!!! stuff) and some aggressive thrash....give me some ideas ya boogershitz.
Torchure - Beyond The Veil
Mortem - De Natura Daemonum ;)
Demigod - Slumber Of Sullen Eyes
Adramelech - Psychostasia
Dismember - Like An Everflowing Stream
Possessed - Seven Churches
Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness
Brutality - Screams Of Anguish
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Grotesque - In The Embrace Of Evil
Goatlord - Reflections Of The Solstice
Leirs in Wait - Spiritually Uncontrolled Art
Repugnant - Epitome of Darkness
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse
Massacra - Final Holocaust
Megaslaughter - Calls From the Beyond
Cynic's Demos
Revenant - Prophecies of a Dying World
I bet you feel cool writing Megaslaughter don't you? Fucking mp3 warrior faggot. I HATE YOU!
If people actually listened to the music before they bought it, maybe the sound-to-noise-ratio in metal wouldn't be as awful as it is today!

(had to get that off my chest after reading doom's rants in GMD :) )
I don't think that has anything to do with anything. You're telling me the majority of people don't listen to stuff before they buy? Pssshh. :)

The reason for the lopsided ratio is due to the advent of the internet and ease of information transfer imho.
Yeah, you're probably right... I still support downloading, though, as long as it's followed by purchasing the albums that ACTUALLY deserve it. That means, no buying of music that's "just okay or good".
Just about anything from Massacre "From Beyond" is great for working out. Slowly We Rot and Gates of Hell and Suffocation from "Slowly We Rot." Morbid Saint is great. "Infecting the Crypts" by Suffocation. "Sinners Bleed" by Entombed. "To Asgard We Fly" by Unleashed. Hypocrisy's cover of "Evil Invaders." "Corporation Pullout" and "Fear of Napalm" by Terrorizor. "Incarnated Solvent Abuse" and "Corporal Jigsaw Puzzle" from Necroticism, as well as "Reek of Putrefactions" and "Exhume to Consume" from Symphonies.

I'm pretty much giving you my lifting playlist, but it definitely works.
Hahaha...well, the problem is that I don't listen to individual songs, I listen to albums. But I'll tell you right now that Possessed - The Exorcist better be there on your playlist.

I'll try to think of some standout tracks in general... *scrolling down my playlist*

Repugnant - Spawn Of Pure Malevolence (do you have Repugnant? You need it)
Repugnant - Morbid Ways
Celtic Frost - The Usurper
Rigor Mortis - Re-Animator
Seance - Reincarnage
Sorcery - Dragons Of The Burning Twilight
Stargazer - The Scream That Tore The Sky
Therion - Symphony Of The Dead
Hahaha...well, the problem is that I don't listen to individual songs, I listen to albums.

Same here. I NEVER just listen to songs...NEVER!

But I guess I wanna try out this variety thing since I have my new mp3 player thingamujigwtfisit.

I am gonna have the ENTIRE Repugnant album on my playlist, so yeah.
You need the Hecatomb EP too, which is what Morbid Ways is from...I'll upload that song.