Post your current playlist

Any bad reccomended by certain people, I check out. And usually I check out every band (except for a few genres, and even then I usually do anyway) thats recommended.
god damn nad said:
i think this could work if we set an essential being classified if 5/10/25/whatever people agree on it, because i can just about guarantee that there isn't a single album everyone here agrees on being a masterpiece.
Agreed. Settle what the RC Top 25 CDs are (even if it means including Bathory), and make the post a sticky.

Black Sabbath - s/t
In all honesty, probably the greatest album of all time. I mean, come on- what the fuck. How could they possibly make something as perfect as this
This weekend. After I get slaughtered on "Final Exam Omaha Beach" tomorow"... I'm gonna have to go through this thread and write down a lot of band names
MFJ said:
Black Sabbath - s/t
In all honesty, probably the greatest album of all time. I mean, come on- what the fuck. How could they possibly make something as perfect as this

For a yungin' you sure know what's up :loco:
General Zod said:
Agreed. Settle what the RC Top 25 CDs are (even if it means including Bathory), and make the post a sticky.


Would be great to have a classification metal, doom metal, prog metal etc...

I also suggest that each suggestions must be validate by at least 5 other member in order to be part of the "essential" list.
It feels like it has been cool and rainy here for weeks now. Basically the past week has had me listening to the following:

Agalloch- Pale Folklore and The Mantle, everday at work
Katatonia- Brave Murder Day, also everday at work
And every night it has been Sunn 0))), Boris, and sometimes Meshuggah's "Nothing"
General Zod said:
Sounds interesting. What is their sound like?


Yeah, you'd probably dig them. They sound just like Dark One said. A combo of thrash (of the softer variety) and folk (violin). THe lyrics are totally understandable.

Prince of the Poverty Line, Irrational ANthems, and Jonah's Ark are all fantastic. Wayward Sons has some great songs (THe Jiggershins Jig, or whatever), but can be hit or miss. Oui Avant Garde A Chance is hit or miss as well.

But Cardboard City and One Piece Puzzle from PotPL and No Deposit, No Return from Irrational Anthems are my faves.
Henrik Main said:

Exmortem - Nihilistic Contentment.
This rules so much that it almost makes me embarrassing. One of the very best death metal records of 2005 - that's saying something, considering 2005 has been THE year for death metal. Morbid Angel meets Suffocation meets old-skool Cryptopsy. Opeth17, take note!

Cryptopsy - Once Was Not.
It grows on me with every listen. MUCH better than their last couple of efforts, almost on par with None So Vile. It can't touch the almighty Blasphemy Made Flesh, but I guess it's impossible to top that record.

Vile - The New Age Of Chaos
Rather brutal death metal with a couple of black metal ideas thrown into the mix. It works surprisingly well.

1349 - Hellfire
2004's "Beyond The Apocalypse" was flawless, hyperfast-but-still-rather-melodic black metal that makes my blood freeze to ice whenever I listen to it. It also makes me want to headbang uncontrollably most of the time. 2005's "Hellfire" picks up where "Beyond The Apocalypse" left off. Fantastic shit!

Ingurgitating Oblivion - Voyage Towards Abhorrence
German brutal/tech DM that doesn't sound as "just another typical bland DM band", mainly because the ideas and song structures are highly interesting and tasteful. Thumbs up!

w00t. Expect a PM from me next month asking you to detail all of the awesomeness of this year. I haven't been able to keep up and after buying a few hundred albums last year, I've bought about two dozen this year, if that. But, I'm about ready to dive into 2005.

Nate got me that 1349 to review, I expect it to own.
MajestikMøøse said:
Current 93 - Thunder Perfect Mind, SixSixSix: SickSickSick
A Classic C93 album and the other one is a compilation of some out of print EPs that I've had on mp3 for awhile (and finally got it in the mail today woohoo!)

Amazing album. I've been listening to this all the time lately myself. "An Ending" is absolutely angelic. I love it. Far from grim.

Nature and Organisation - Beauty Reaps The Blood Of Solitude[/B]
A long out of print album (from Michael Cashmore?) of Current 93. Appearances of David Tibet and Douglas P. on vocals. Excellent.

Do you have this on MP3 format? If so could I get it from you on AIM or something?

If all this ambient/indus scene put stickers on their albums , there would be something like this : "Ulver eps .. remember .. ? Let the pros do the job."

*Awaits flaming* (there's no point in comparing both btw :D )

That said , this album IS amazing.
I've taken a small break from my "LISTEN TO EVERY SINGLE EXTREME METAL RECORD RELEASED IN 2005"-marathon, and I'm now on a very most kickass VINTAGE NORWEGIAN EXTREME METAL roll. I've been listening to these records a lot as of late:

Darkthrone - Total Death
Darkthrone - Soulside Journey
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Immortal - Battles In The North
"Anthems" is overrated, but I still like it a lot. A bit too chaotic and lifeless at times, perhaps, but still an enjoyable listen.

Now for some Vikingligr Veldi! :D