Henrik Main's best of 2005: Free music inside!

MadeInNewJersey said:
Understatement of the day.

I MUCH MUCH prefer his work in early Satyricon though; 1349 is like, one speed: fast.

BLOOD RED THORNE is just so bad ass ... those guys just ooze effortless bad assness.

Band of the fuckign YEAR !!!!!
Opeth17 said:
:worship: You rule. Those three albums = wowzers. I think half of the albums on your list will be on mine, thanks for the recommendations.:grin: I eagerly anticipate my own list, but there is still much to be done.

May I have your hand in marriage? :worship:

lurch70 said:
BLOOD RED THORNE is just so bad ass ... those guys just ooze effortless bad assness.

Band of the fuckign YEAR !!!!!

Fact :kickass:
MadeInNewJersey said:
I still can't figure out why I like the new BRT a lot less than Affiliated.

I suggest you give it some more spins. I also thought "Affiliated.." was a lot better than "Altered Genesis", because "Affiliated" had that INSTANT HIT factor to it that AG lacks. However, I gave "Altered Genesis" more listens, and then suddenly became addicted to it. The riffs are probably not as catchy as the ones on "Affiliated", but I feel it is better in terms of replayability - I don't think I can grow tired of it.
Henrik Main said:
May I have your hand in marriage? :worship:

Aww, I thought you'd never ask, my musical soulmate.:p

I agree about Altered Genesis not being a straight away kicker of ass like the previous two, but like you said, it's a grower. There's honestly not a bad song on the album and after "Tortured Soul Appearance" and "Mephitication" got me hooked I explored the rest of the album and found out that it kicks an absurd amount of penguin ass from beginning to end.:grin: My only question is where to place it on my list, it's wrasslin' with a couple others for placement in the Top 3.
Opeth17 said:
I agree about Altered Genesis not being a straight away kicker of ass like the previous two, but like you said, it's a grower. There's honestly not a bad song on the album and after "Tortured Soul Appearance" and "Mephitication" got me hooked I explored the rest of the album and found out that it kicks an absurd amount of penguin ass from beginning to end.:grin: My only question is where to place it on my list, it's wrasslin' with a couple others for placement in the Top 3.

:rock: "Absurd amount of penguin ass" indeed! Naysayers and skeptics be cursed! My favourite track on the album is either "Smite", "Tortured Soul Appearance" or "State Of Darkness". So damn good!

MadeInNewJersey said:
Thanks for all the downloads, Henrik.

Thanks for checking them out! :cool:
Henrik Main said:
Excellent. I'm trying to push some extreme metal to the RC massive by means of this list and the mp3s, but I forgot that this is in fact Royal Pinkage: Prog, heavy and post-rock forum :loco:

Tell me what you think of the songs when you've checked them out, please.

Pentacle: Decent, this kind of music needs a lot more groove for me to enjoy it. Also the riffs where somewhat boring

Inaug. Oblivion: Nah, I have one disc with this kind of sterile ultra fast death metal and that's enough.

Bloodred Throne: Now this took my by surprise. I was expecting mechanical blasting and that clinical atmosphere I dislike so much in some death metal. But to my surprise I found melody, brutality, groove and awesome riffs. Great stuff.
spaffe said:
Bloodred Throne: Now this took my by surprise. I was expecting mechanical blasting and that clinical atmosphere I dislike so much in some death metal. But to my surprise I found melody, brutality, groove and awesome riffs. Great stuff.

Awesome! Quite surprising that you liked this song, I thought you didn't care much for death metal. PM or post in this thread if you want another BRT or Pentacle mp3 :cool: