post your band resumes

ohiogrinder said:
thats some killer noise there, dude.


Hammer of Might said:
Am I the only one who finds it impossible to see any artistic merit in this material at all? No offence.

No probably not, but then again I don't do it to try to be artistic or what have you, I do it because I enjoy it.
i just joined a new band called Hollywood Concept...i realize it isn't a metal name cause the band is kinda like Stone Sour but when i joined...since the lead singer has been trying to get me in his band forever he agreed to let me shred on solos
2006-present-Unnamed band: 1 member, which is me(guitars, vocals, keyboard, drum machine). It's kind of more experimental metal but with black metal and death metal influences. I'm still working on recording the first demo.
My two person band is ten times more oldschool than any of yours!. that's a threat