random thoughts of the day

:lol: Heard this quite a few times already, and quite frankly it's a real hoot. If you drive a car legally you have to have car insurance. Granted you don't have to drive, but I'd wager the majority of the work force has at least one car in their driveway. I love how these politicians think they can get away with saying cripe like this as if no one listening has a clue.


I'm looking at things logically through statistics so please don't bore me with your trivialities. You'd have to be completely oblivious not to draw the comparison. 48 states require you to have liability insurance, and both the two that don't either demand you meet certain financial requirements or get insurance (the majority of drivers in both states appease the law by buying auto insurance). Now remember this, a car is crucial part to survival for many modern Americans. As the job industries expanded to meet the means to support the population, many people were forced to adopt a vehicle. If I didn't have a car I wouldn't be able to hold down any of the jobs that I've had, which pay for my food, and shelter. I know it's a requirement for many workers in a variety of different fields. You're already forced into buying things whether you're fully aware of it or not.

Furthermore according to the latest census report, the majority (about 255 million) have health insurance already. Approximately 46 million people don't have health insurance, and those numbers are by in large (39.8 mill to be exact) in direct correlation with the poverty line that will be exempt from paying for health insurance. So that leaves basically six million that don't do so either by choice or were denied because of a pre-existing condition.

What the real issue the Republicans have is that the health insurance companies, pharmaceutics, and medical supply companies will be taxed greatly starting 2011. They wanted (still trying their hardest) the bill to fail is because they have great stock in these companies that have taken advantage of the people for many years. Sorry if I fail to see the issue here.

Wow, you totally don't get it, do you?
Why don't you enlighten me, fool?

This whole debate is just the Republicans trying to sideline the real issues. Fact is I need food so I'm forced to pay for taxes. Fact is I need a car in order to pay for that food so I'm forced to pay for car insurance. If I live in this society I need to pay the price. The key to everything is representation.

What's important is this will over time help the deficit. If you somehow feel this is a compromise of your constitutional rights then you have a lot to learn. You want to talk about unconstitutional? Look up deregulation please. You talk as if you're not part of the working class since you obviously have a hard time differentiating who's been primarily ripping you off.
Why don't you enlighten me, fool?

This whole debate is just the Republicans trying to sideline the real issues. Fact is I need food so I'm forced to pay for taxes. Fact is I need a car in order to pay for that food so I'm forced to pay for car insurance. If I live in this society I need to pay the price. The key to everything is representation.

What's important is this will over time help the deficit. If you somehow feel this is a compromise of your constitutional rights then you have a lot to learn. You want to talk about unconstitutional? Look up deregulation please. You talk as if you're not part of the working class since you obviously have a hard time differentiating who's been primarily ripping you off.

I know a LOT of people who do not have cars and still make it to work every day to make money to feed their families. Ever heard of a bicycle? Public transit? Your own two legs? No one is forcing you to have a car. It's your own damn choice. It will NOT be your choice to go without health insurance.
You pay tax on your food? Move to Oregon.

Hell, you can start hunting and live in a tent, if you wish. What people perceive to be basic living these days would have been considered luxury a couple centuries ago. And yes, people survived. For many years. You can, too. Just make sure you're insured in case you don't cook the rat thorough enough. Aside from all of that, I know what you are saying. However...

They are upfront, outright saying they are FORCING EVERYONE to buy health insurance. Sure you are right, in this society, many people are in a round about way forced to do many, many things, but it is not a law for us to do any of it. No one is requiring you to have a job or pay for your food. It's your preference of living that is forcing you to do that. Requiring health insurance is a requirement just because we are living. It's a very fine line and we will just have to see where it goes.
Because the world will end if you do.

That is nonsense. You cling to the ideas of an age gone by, or an age that other people never had and so will never understand.

A bit before the US came to be some prick (well, several pricks but he is the most known) over here had a new idea: everyone sacrifices something for a benefit for everyone instead for the benefit of some monarch. That thought was developed in stands between the whole social and health system of *every* developed nation, except the US, to some extend. And it works. Not well, but what in the grand scheme does. It is not the end of the world, or yourself. Isn't it better to work for the benefit of all, instead of only thinking of yourself? If it isn't, why bother with communities. Even an egocentric mind knows this, because ultimately he himself benefits.

Is it really that hard?
^very well said lisra

and from what i understand it makes it so an insurance company can't drop you because of an illness...which is pretty damn awesome, because 20 years down the road someone has major heart surgery, they wont be stuck with a hundred thousand(s) dollar bill that bankrupts them.

i gotta say, in canada we have universal healthcare (not the same i know) and its awesome, i dont mind paying way more taxes (than the us for example) so that i can go to the docter when im sick, or get surgery, or medication without having to worry if i can afford it.

but i havent been following it incredibly close, i do find the US argues any change though, like somehow everyones out to "steal their freedom"
everyone sacrifices something for a benefit for everyone instead for the benefit of some monarch.
Exactly. Americans need to start doing their part in helping out the entirety of the nation instead of a select few. There's no way to support that kind of ill-balanced weight, which is why it's starting to collapse already.

like somehow everyones out to "steal their freedom"
If anything I find more peace of mind in knowing that my health care provider will have to serve me no matter what happens.

No one is requiring you to have a job or pay for your food. It's your preference of living that is forcing you to do that. Requiring health insurance is a requirement just because we are living.
Preference? If it were up to me I'd do a lot of things differently in my life. I've been dealt a hand, and I have to do my best to play with what I've got. You're not taking a bunch of things into account, like geography for one. I grew up in the middle of the desert where there was no public transit or even a grocery store for miles. No fishing (or water for that matter), no hunting (uninhabitable for most lifeforms), just dirt. I lived with a single working parent so I had no choice. There's no difference for me, and many other Americans. It's a way of life.

You pay tax on your food? Move to Oregon.
They just gave ok to a 2% food tax for the next five years in order to save Police, Fire, and other city jobs. People are obviously glade to do so if the cause is something for their own well being, and in doing so they also help out the society as a whole. Why does almost everyone who can afford health care already do so? Because they like knowing they have something to fall back on in case something goes seriously wrong. It's not like the government is forcing them to buy something they don't want already. In doing so this we'll help out not only the nation, but also those who couldn't get coverage in the first place. Everyone benefits in the end. The only real losers here are the companies that got away with ripping people off for all these years. Let them start doing their part.

Don't you find it just a little discomforting that they're using scare tactics (a common practice it seems) instead of hard facts? The country is in an extreme deficit, and this will be a first step in helping us out. Who wouldn't want that? If they had any case they'd go after that, but obviously they don't. It's really not that hard to see through their facade, and into their reasoning.