random thoughts of the day

Uh, throwing up sucks. I "forgot" how to do it (?). It's been years since I last threw up, I can't even remember when it was the last time. Some time ago, I woke up early in the morning feeling sick and started having nausea but didn't vomit, luckily. I know what they say that if you vomit then you feel better but I have like this "vomit fobia" that stops me from throwing up I think, haha.
Anyway, after watching "supersize me" a few days ago, I felt sick of the stomach. It was awful. Specially after he ate the supersize combo and then threw it all up. I think I hate McDonalds now.

OMG, it's like I wrote that !! I had a kind of vomit phobia, but now, I'm going to become a nurse, and I see people vomiting so many times, that now.. it doesn't afraid me so much :D
anyway, I'm sorry for you lifedepraved :/ hope you feel better now.

There are still some cool vampire movies, Let The Right One In. A Swedish one... I really liked it.
I love this movie ! I really love it, Oskar is so adorable ! And the book is fantastic !
I am watching A New Hope on VHS, damn I am such a hardcore Star Wars fan. Like Metal fans with vinyls I like it more on VHS lol.
So did I. Cool movie indeed.
What I don't like are all those vampire series that are so common these days.

im kinda interested in this movie now....just cause i havent seen a good one in a while

Just got done spewing for a couple minutes...it hurt so bad, but felt so good :)

ok this is the weirest thing i think im ever going to say

at that exact moment (or damn close) i was also throwing up...

looks like were spew brothers:confused:
^i pay about 6200$ for a year at a decent school

so europe can go fuck itself :)

hahaha just kidding though

For an American or Canadian student to study for the same degree as i'm studying for, at my University, it costs €12,000 per year. Other degrees are a lot more expensive, such as medicine, which costs €39,000 per year.

If you're from the E.U, or Ireland, it's somewhat cheaper. For me it costs €8,800 per year but third level education in Ireland is relatively free. The government pays for all of it or some it for a lot of people. All I had to pay last year was €150, which everyone has to pay regardless. All of the other funds come from the government. We're very lucky in that sense and we've got some damn good universities and considering how small the country is, we rank rather high in worldwide university rankings.

my school cost 5200 € /year, but hopefully, the region pays for the 3 years of studies ! in addition, the region gives me 380€/month.. Good for me, I'm lucky too !
lucky for both of you, here they started a program where if you finish your degree in 4 years, they put a cap on how much student loans will need to be paid back, and if you work in the province i believe you can get up to another 10 000$ or something like that (towards education of course).

so were at least trying :lol:
Repost but this pic really cracks me up.
I got around $215 a week from the government while I was a student. Sounds good, it isn't really. If you also have a job they start taking money off you. My tuition fees last year were $50, If I was doing the same thing this year, $8000.

Education should be free.
I just enrolled in school for the first time since graduating 5 years ago(yay for me!). I have to pay about $1700 a semester, w/books, the state gave me $6000 for a year to go to school with. So if going fall/winter full time, i get about 3k or so(its slightly below 6k but i rounded up) and whatever i dont spend(which was about $1400) i get back in a check to moi two weeks after school starts.
Oh I'm better, thanks for asking. Actually the night after I was already back again at being a champion drinker! Funny thing though...I went to the store I work at to get some beer with my friends and on the way out this girl came up to me and said, "You're sick are you Kevin?" And I said "I was earlier, don't believe me? I should have taken a picture of the toilet." and she made a weird sound and I went on my way. haha

gold indeed!