random thoughts of the day

I knew there was something weird when we were talking to the band (individually) on the last tour...all of them seemed so distant from each other...oh well.

I wanted to see them on last year's fall headlining tour but the closest date to me was some stupid Rock and Shock show that was double the price and had GWAR headlining so I didn't go...
It has been so long since I visit here last time... Many years maybe!!
Katatonia has been on my playlist whole time, though.
I should do my schoolwork but I'm just listening to Live Consternation and searching some new bands to listen to...
Have a nice day everybody!

And please visit my blog: http://guidedbyfire.blogspot.com
I want to upload my Zaandam show pics, and I would...
If it were not so that I spilled tea over my laptop and I'm too damned scared to put it on in fear of loosing thousands of euros, all my work for school and most importantly my Logic music projects by short circuit ...
So yeah. Doing fine besides that