My dream last night was so weird. I was hanging out with these african american sistas and brothers. The leader was this one girl who was having a contest for having a new family member, all of a sudden all these people showed up at their door, she told me to have 5 of them come in to yeah they get interviewed, then two more lines of people show up, this time one for tickets to a judas priest/gg allin concert and the other to eat with this so called "sista". Only a few were allowed in. The show was supposed to be at this club but it ended up in their living room with rob halford shaking his head while gg allin was covered in shit and running into judas priest didn't actually play

then all of a sudden these 3 big trucks pulled up, i mean big rigs, they came to the door asking for me...I said what happened, they just said you are under arrest for murdering someone(i forget who it was, a sports player or actor), so I run inside and lock the door, mind you, it was a flimsy screen door and 3 grown men couldn't get through it, nana nana boo i take a few of the brothaz with me back to my place so they can eat more and figure something out...all of them want to eat stuff that I cant give to them, someone elses food, so I think I fried oatmeal and chicken on the stove, big mess. after this one of the guys goes outside to a gas station that just appeared, and i go online to see if I really killed this guy, and then I go into this weird trance where I see myself killing the guy then cutting him up and shoving his body parts in bags...all of this happened in a hostel in France...(it was so trippy I actually believed when I woke up I was going to be arrested, haha) then the guy who went to the gas station was shot up and on the news when i came back downstairs, didn't seem to phase anyone eating the chicken and oatmeal...and that's all i remember...what a fucked up dream, lol.
don't mind the punctuation and grammar...whatever, I just woke up and had to type it fast, it was so weird.