random thoughts of the day

Dude, you first get your facts right.
If you think Michael Jackson did not deserve this (beautiful) memorial you are plain ignorant.
This is a matter far beyond taste and opinion

I think it is distasteful to celebrate a pedophile. My sister thinks that the Illuminati assassinated his character because he got too rich and powerful . :p

Yesterday when I was driving home I actually felt very excited for the first time that Katatonia is recording right now woo. :kickass:
Took a peek at the Michael Jackson memorial on CNN. And realized how the media in the U.S. is just fuckin' horrid. Jackson has not made a decent album in what 20 yrs? Paid 20 million to get a pedophile charge thrown out, and was an addict. Now, he's glorified beyond anything I've seen. It makes me fuckin sick. Also, 2 U.S. soldiers were killed in Afganistan and get a little comment, their deaths are what enable people like Jackson to do what they want in this country. Fuck it all. I wish the U.S. would get their priorities right.

I agree for the most part. The general public's obsession with celebrities is something I'll never understand. Also how the media circus loves to prod into people's personal lives is grotesque. If you think about it they're partially to blame for his death. Certainly one of the leading factors behind what drove him into what he became. Then to spend millions upon millions of dollars for a funeral is insane especially when you take into account the massive debt the state is already in. The man made Thriller, but he was no Gandhi, thats for sure.
it exists "secret societies" among the top universities around the world. It works kinda like a religion, they have some believes. And eventually the students becomes high and recognized members of the society. (like Bush is a Skull 'n Bones, )

But they don't sit in a room with a hairless cat and plot how to conquer the world. The rich folks already have a mentallity of wanting more and more. So it's kinda like a vicious circle, the ones that are on the top today will pass the ball to someone that shares the same "belief". Those are the just the "top guys".

I had a co-work initialized as a FreeMason, and he said it was pretty much a fraternal organization, they helped each other wen they needed
the first harry potter? yea that's pretty bad in a harry potter scale but because Im such a big HP enthusiastic, I like all of the movies :P but I heard that the newest is a killer.
I don't know. A theory about a secret organization controlling a whole lot of things to create a new world order sounds a bit too paranoid for me

My problem with it is more so the fact that people let it consume their lives. I know people that will turn any conversation, no matter what it is about into some shit about the world being controlled. If it is true, these beings/people are so powerful that we wouldn't be able to do anything about it anyway, so why bother being upset about it all day and night.

I would be willing to believe such things probably exist but the reptilian theories are just going TOO far for me. :lol:

It's almost the weekend yay! Any plans for the weekend? I am apparently being taken somewhere as a surprise so not really sure what mine are yet.
i want some pancakes. i ate 4 of em yesterday and it was pretty delicious. and strawberry jam is awesome :D
the first harry potter? yea that's pretty bad in a harry potter scale but because Im such a big HP enthusiastic, I like all of the movies :P but I heard that the newest is a killer.

The newest is an entertaining watch, but you can not compare it to the book. It leaves out some essential parts and as a movie on itself it hasn't got that finished storyline like the previous films. It feels more like an intro to the final storyline
if this doesnt rile people up I dont know what will.
This video is called the Obama Deception...It is a great video and may open some eyes to what our new president is really doing and not doing.
And yes..I am an Obama supporter and I voted for him too.

On a serious tip...you want to know about the new world order?
Look up the Bilderberg group on youtube...of which Obama and Hillary Clinton have attended meetings.

150 or so of the worlds most powerful people get together and no major media coverage whatsoever? THATS FUKT

Educate yourselves..not that it will do anything but make you mad like me. I dislike conspiracy theories and in general just dont give a fuck...but I do believe there is a Bilderberg group, that they meet and make up world policy as well as figure out how to keep fucking us over...its all about the money...like here in the U.S. our Federal Reserve Bank is not Federally owned...its a privately owned bank....and hardly anyone knows about it...I talked the other day with someone with a Masters Degree in finance...he didnt know...

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