random thoughts of the day

I've had too many years off :p I'm more worried about actually never getting started with something, and the probably shitty result of that.

Man I took almost 3 years off after high school or whatever you call it in Sweden. I literally just started college last week for the first time and I'm 21... Kinda depressing but it's never too late. I actually enjoy it, even though it's a Junior College, the credits are all transferable to major universities
-When is winter coming back?
No, don't steal my winter. Its short enough already here.
yeah, the best thing to do about depression caused by education, is to get an academic year off and do something else ! it works well
I completely agree with your statement but in reverse. When you realize that full time jobs suck, just go back to being a student.

My random thought of the day, driving around in an EWP 10 meters above the ground is what I call a fun day at school.
Man I took almost 3 years off after high school or whatever you call it in Sweden. I literally just started college last week for the first time and I'm 21... Kinda depressing but it's never too late. I actually enjoy it, even though it's a Junior College, the credits are all transferable to major universities

Yeah, at least eventually starting is a good thing. The "nowhere" in between is not a very good place to be, hah. Time to get serious sometime. No idea how that will go for me though.
Yeah, at least eventually starting is a good thing. The "nowhere" in between is not a very good place to be, hah. Time to get serious sometime. No idea how that will go for me though.

i know what you mean man, im in the "nowhere zone" been there for quite some time i need to find a way out.

ill be 23 in 3 weeks from today, and ive yet to start college, well soon enough....hopefully.....
How do you get money for living then? I wanted to get a job this winter, but there was no options apart from call centers, I don't speak french fluently enough to work in a call center, so i looked for an english one but i didn't find anyone looking for employees and any other job wouldn't pay me a respectable wage for what i would work, so.. i HAVE to go back to college whether i like it or not to get that fucking degree of computing although i already know almost half of the stuff i will study !!!!
I'm pretty economic so I've saved money from the last job. Probably doing something similar once I get back on my feet after the summer vacation. Already knowing the stuff you will study sounds awesome? If I'd get on an education, I'd take the easiest one with the best potential salary. The "learning" part in school is just shit, at least considering the idiots you will msot likely encounter in the so called discussions :p
I don't dread college, I dread everything else. Getting into college wasn't hard even in a foreign country and the learning part won't be the main pain.. what I dread is where I'm failing at right now: finding a place to live, interact with people outside the circle I know.

I just go out and murder 1000 students, then I'll have plenty of options. :D
I don't dread college, I dread everything else. Getting into college wasn't hard even in a foreign country and the learning part won't be the main pain.. what I dread is where I'm failing at right now: finding a place to live, interact with people outside the circle I know.

Then your set of problems are pretty much the opposite of mine :p
I'm pretty economic so I've saved money from the last job. Probably doing something similar once I get back on my feet after the summer vacation. Already knowing the stuff you will study sounds awesome? If I'd get on an education, I'd take the easiest one with the best potential salary. The "learning" part in school is just shit, at least considering the idiots you will msot likely encounter in the so called discussions :p

That's a good idea, why would you go back to college or uni if the money u had were enough for living?
Actually knowing what I will study isn't fan at all, when i went to college from sep to nov 09, i had the same experience, i was spending half the time studying things that i am already excellent at like programing and i couldn't skip classes cuz the college had strict rules.. so it was like hell lol ! plus, it just stagnate you unless you study on your own extra things (which is what i'm doing right now).
I don't really see much of the prestige or even inspiration in anything related to working and studying. My goal is really to have a comfortable life with good friends and fun activies. It requires some money, but not necissarily extreme amounts :)
I don't really see much of the prestige or even inspiration in anything related to working and studying. My goal is really to have a comfortable life with good friends and fun activies. It requires some money, but not necissarily extreme amounts :)

Same here actually, but we have no choice, why do'nt you open your own cd store or any metal merchandise, i think working in a filed that you love would be better than anything !!