random thoughts of the day

It's too bad that the school and job situation sucks so fucking hard for people with ADHD/Asperger that you actually need to medicate to make it through the normal way. I'm happy I'm born in Sweden, otherwise I'd probably be completely fucked.
why did god... or whatever it is on this planet, create things such as ADHD, depression, phobics etc. ?

Was that a serious quesiton? These things happen because of certain chemical imbalances in the brain. It's actually quite scientific. :Saint:
Yeah, this agreeing is far too six years ago. Quick say, something about how great death metalz is! :p
Cool beans. Maybe I'll check it out, and try my hardest to appreciate the ... well at least I'll check it out. :grin:
Right on! I bet you'd look good in a cowgirl hat too, but what would we call the band? How bout "The Shit Kickers?"
Well the ladies don't call me prince charming for nothing.

Ha, that was too good to pass up. Now I'm gonna go jump off a bridge.