random thoughts of the day

Tired and sore. Tomorrow morning I have to get up @ 8 to travel to the rehearsal room (little over an hour drive). Rehearsals until 7 PM. I'll be deaf, sore, tired, sweaty, and done hearing those songs until next Saturday. 3 Shows in 2 days next weekend. One of them is the Metal Female Voices Festival. At least I have an entire week to rest at work... ;)
Tired and sore. Tomorrow morning I have to get up @ 8 to travel to the rehearsal room (little over an hour drive). Rehearsals until 7 PM. I'll be deaf, sore, tired, sweaty, and done hearing those songs until next Saturday. 3 Shows in 2 days next weekend. One of them is the Metal Female Voices Festival. At least I have an entire week to rest at work... ;)

MFVF! have fun dude ^^
Tired and sore. Tomorrow morning I have to get up @ 8 to travel to the rehearsal room (little over an hour drive). Rehearsals until 7 PM. I'll be deaf, sore, tired, sweaty, and done hearing those songs until next Saturday. 3 Shows in 2 days next weekend. One of them is the Metal Female Voices Festival. At least I have an entire week to rest at work... ;)

Ha, MFVF is like 5 minutes from my home.
I can finally enjoy listening to katatonia , after 2 years of not being able to bear the pain that it reminded me of some unfortunate events...:(
Anyone recommend a good TV series to start in the meantime?

Six Feet Under
The Wire
Battlestar Galactica

Maybe you've already seen some of them but I name them anyway because I think they are all great, ones being greater than others.

LifeDepraved said:
It's my birthday and I'm a senile old man.

Well, happy birthday! If you are a senile old man, what about me then...
Happy birthday kev, have a beer on us!


I have visions of a commune aircraft-carrier in my head with stuff on the airstrip and whatnot driving in circles through calm seas.

Should I be worried?
Im a recent junkie of the show LOST. I can't watch it until the wife catches up. More addictions that I don't need fucking with me. Anyone recommend a good TV series to start in the meantime?

californication(quite literally everything you could want in a show)
how not to live your life(british, short and pure win)
how i met your mother
big bang theory(this and HIMYM are good sitcoms)
House(really good)
the office(ive only seen the american version and its great, very acquired taste of humor though)
Pushing daisies(arguably my favorite show)
Dead like me
Chuck(awesome awesome show)

tis a good start, no?