D Dado-x Senior Citizen Sep 17, 2002 841 2 18 Slovenia Visit site Jul 14, 2003 #21 edit:goddamn I'm slow today That mr. Hat dude is so full of shit! Bugger off, I'm busy!
Ellfish Member Jul 12, 2003 65 0 6 37 Christchurch, New Zealand www.forever-tomorrow.net Jul 14, 2003 #22 I take you on at tiddleywinks! Dammit, I've told you a thousand times, the answer is no!
theodyssey Best Album of the Year Dec 13, 2002 1,751 3 38 40 Olympia, WA Visit site Jul 14, 2003 #23 so..... about me and your sister.... you know.... "yeah.... it's all true."
Mr. Shred-ididle Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head Jan 25, 2003 1,701 6 38 35 Jul 14, 2003 #24 Is it true that you gave a seagull an asprin, and then it's head exploded? "She blows hard, if you know what i mean."
Is it true that you gave a seagull an asprin, and then it's head exploded? "She blows hard, if you know what i mean."
Ellfish Member Jul 12, 2003 65 0 6 37 Christchurch, New Zealand www.forever-tomorrow.net Jul 14, 2003 #25 So, hows your mum going... blowing up those party balloons? I've always wanted to do that.
The Metal Chick In the Dragon's Den Mar 31, 2003 1,242 5 38 41 Chicago, IL www.themetalchick.net Jul 14, 2003 #26 Here's an idea: let's play brain surgeon. I'll be the doctor, you be the patient. "I think I'm going to puke!"
Here's an idea: let's play brain surgeon. I'll be the doctor, you be the patient. "I think I'm going to puke!"
Demonspell cheating the polygraph Apr 29, 2001 15,341 32 48 45 dead between the walls www.ultimatemetal.com Jul 14, 2003 #27 Has anyone seen the new galleries at rotten.com? I don't believe that for a minute.
SilentRealm Member Apr 1, 2003 3,794 40 48 45 Melbourne, Australia Jul 14, 2003 #28 Here's the results of your mensa IQ test. look you scored 150. "Hey isn't that supposed to be purple?"
Here's the results of your mensa IQ test. look you scored 150. "Hey isn't that supposed to be purple?"
Zax666 The Prince Of Ice. Almost Feb 25, 2003 727 0 16 38 Varna, Bulgaria. Visit site Jul 15, 2003 #29 Look at my new blue shirt! "Is that how they call it nowadays?"
M Manga-San Member Mar 19, 2003 455 3 18 Visit site Jul 15, 2003 #30 Okay Okay, you guys did it a little wrong... Your supposed to keep the original conversation going, not start a new one with every post... "I'm going to go "get some"..."
Okay Okay, you guys did it a little wrong... Your supposed to keep the original conversation going, not start a new one with every post... "I'm going to go "get some"..."
Avathar Eternian Jun 16, 2003 160 0 16 Perú Visit site Jul 15, 2003 #31 Manga-San said: "I'm going to go "get some"..." Click to expand... "so what are u doing after visiting your wife who is in the hospital because of a plane-crash?? "
Manga-San said: "I'm going to go "get some"..." Click to expand... "so what are u doing after visiting your wife who is in the hospital because of a plane-crash?? "
theodyssey Best Album of the Year Dec 13, 2002 1,751 3 38 40 Olympia, WA Visit site Jul 15, 2003 #32 *frowns*... i thought it was going fine as it was...
The Metal Chick In the Dragon's Den Mar 31, 2003 1,242 5 38 41 Chicago, IL www.themetalchick.net Jul 15, 2003 #33 Yeah man. Ruin the fun why don't ya...
SilentRealm Member Apr 1, 2003 3,794 40 48 45 Melbourne, Australia Jul 15, 2003 #34 someone continue on with it..
M Manga-San Member Mar 19, 2003 455 3 18 Visit site Jul 15, 2003 #35 It's much more challenging this way, plus it's funnier to see where you end up after you read what the topic started with...
It's much more challenging this way, plus it's funnier to see where you end up after you read what the topic started with...
theodyssey Best Album of the Year Dec 13, 2002 1,751 3 38 40 Olympia, WA Visit site Jul 15, 2003 #36 Ok... i'll start over then... or end it... whatever the hell..... ok. "And the sword he once held tight falls forever from his hands" And dont just do the song... be creative and original... unlike me
Ok... i'll start over then... or end it... whatever the hell..... ok. "And the sword he once held tight falls forever from his hands" And dont just do the song... be creative and original... unlike me
ElPredicador Yeah... Whatever Jul 27, 2002 383 1 18 38 Santiago, Chile Jul 15, 2003 #37 So how the hell does that story end???
M Manga-San Member Mar 19, 2003 455 3 18 Visit site Jul 16, 2003 #38 And the knight, his arms clad in the purest of samite, held aloft excaliber from the bosom of the water. Just then, a huge ogre-beast fell from the sky and challenged the young warrior... Oh shit, I need to take a piss...
And the knight, his arms clad in the purest of samite, held aloft excaliber from the bosom of the water. Just then, a huge ogre-beast fell from the sky and challenged the young warrior... Oh shit, I need to take a piss...
A arglebargle Member Dec 2, 2002 932 0 16 42 Chicago, IL Jul 16, 2003 #39 Y'know, you shouldn't make a habit of putting gasoline in your beer. Tonight's movie is rated Arrrr.