Randy Blythe of Lamb of God Arrested for Manslaughter

wow! and the guys in the band don;t remember anything about this???
wow! and the guys in the band don;t remember anything about this???

The official word from their management comes out on Monday, but their PR people said that the incident comes from a fan charging him on stage and Randy reportedly pushing him away. Supposedly the guy took a bad fall and later died. Even though it would have been in unintentional self-defense, that could technically be construed as manslaughter if proven in court. Not sure how the Czech system will take it either.

Either way it's absolutely horrible. Randy is a really nice, intelligent, honest, down to earth dude and all of these things are pretty hard to come by in metal.
Well, I appreciate the updates and people with the ability to actually use the search function and bring back a thread instead of making new ones.
The film is kind of meh. Admittedly, I doubt I would have sat through it had I not known the backstory. Still, I can't imagine how surreal of an experience this must have been for him.