RANT: man..fagass mini studios


Apr 17, 2009
so where i live there aren't many recording studios..or studios i could actually be proud to call recording studios so i decided to jump on the bandwagon and do my own lil work from home thing to try and attract some of the local metal scene as most of the shit here is £15 an hour for utter shit.

So like..ive been out the loop as of recent because i decided to hone my skills and put them all to practise in one big ass mofo production ...but soooo many mini fucking faggot studios have now started to pop up and i had this guy begging me for pod patches and advice so being the generous guy i am i gave him some now hes all like ohh i am king pro.

Bahaha anyway its time to take back but what i've learnt from this is to never give away your recording recipe because of the immitation scene kid losers out there that wanna steal your shit. Any ideas on how i can be a bit more competitive in terms of pricing and sound? my setups pretty good like....i have lots of methods to keep folk happy..i could mic amps but for the shit thats getting written by most of the bands here - wannabe sikth-core and wannabe parkway drive-core i think they only deserve impulses and amp sim bhaha but still those things kick ass and they should consider lucky...

sorry guys hahaha this is more a post to myself than anyone else im just fucking angry

i will wuv anyone that writes back that might feel the same way:kickass:
Theres a kid near me that uses 3 or 4 g's worth of pirate software and uses a zoom guitar pedal as an input, yet he thinks the recording he did himself are better than mine. I'm not going to tell him that solo c and ryan's impulses exist :D

He actually lists pokemon in his equipment list.

At least no ones stealing my business because the other studio's round here are either really good an expensive, or as good as me and a bit more expensive than me haha

haha Joe man this kinda sounds like the same sitch as me. I reckon i just need to get somethign pwnage done by own band just to show some of the folk...its more the fact that they arent really educated in sound at all...i.e 'OMGZ SCOOP DA MIDZ SOUNDZ GUD'

it's fucking annoying. So from now on, i only give any tips/patches through the forum..i mean im hardly even good myself but you cant just expect not to work for anything and sound pro...that pisses me off.

link me to some of your stuff btw man im interested to hear!
theres some studio round here that promises to beat any price any other studio quotes
if you are actually an audio engineer and/or real studio owner you'll hardly be bothered by kiddies playing at it.

and before going off on all those little kiddies and their amateur set-ups, etc., think about whether you yourself resemble that very thing to others.
Well, I LOL'd. :lol:

Mini studios. Who cares what you got. If its at least decent gear... The results are what matters most. There are tons of big studios around here that produce mediocre results, at best (at least as far as metal goes). Its just so impressive to have an LA-610, an 1176 and a massive passive...
I by no means call myself a proper studio, my gear is kind of shit, and my results are demo quality, but I still get annoyed when I see someone with no experience or idea what they are doing come up and claim they can produce great results. The kid near me recorded with me and the user "smokescreensam", and saw what we did, thought it was easy and has started his own studio. Luckilly no one has yet been stupid enough to leave me and go to it.

At least its not as bad as the condescending "I remember the days of analogue tape, that'll be $50" guys.

And btw loco, I agree with the others bringing up the point about not using real amps cus its easier. Always give every production your all, especially because you aren't massively established already. I can bet you James Murphy and Sneap never give someone a less good production than they can get away with. Not that I'm a hypocrite for telling you this or anything haha

yes it's a problem small unofficial studios recording for 10€ an hours and doing correct job

because they kill the market and now because of myspace and others stuff like that bands don't want to spend money to have the best result as possible and go in the small studios who make suffisant sound for mp3 streaming

but it's life, it's a problem and we have to do with

they scratch just a bit the market but band who realy want to press an album will continue to come to real studios
if you are actually an audio engineer and/or real studio owner you'll hardly be bothered by kiddies playing at it.

The studio I work at has bands that come in all the time happy to pay full rate because they hated the free or cheap recording that they did with the kid from Craigslist.

and before going off on all those little kiddies and their amateur set-ups, etc., think about whether you yourself resemble that very thing to others.

Even though I make a living in the industry I'll always feel like a hack....dunno why.
Bahaha anyway its time to take back but what i've learnt from this is to never give away your recording recipe because of the immitation scene kid losers out there that wanna steal your shit.

What the hell is a recording recipe? Name engineers give out their "secrets" on Gearslutz and PSW all of the time. They aren't turning anyone into great engineers by doing so either.
Yeah you can give away your methods, "secrets" and tips all day long, the people that take and use them still have to execute them... if they can't, and noobs can't, then what is the worry?
Yeah you can give away your methods, "secrets" and tips all day long, the people that take and use them still have to execute them... if they can't, and noobs can't, then what is the worry?

Seriously! Even if the little guys do end up making great recordings with said secrets what projects are they applying them to? Just because Butch Vig told people how they recorded Green Day's guitars doesn't mean he's now replaceable on the next album. Giving away his "secrets" didn't do a single thing to make him lose business.
Seriously! Even if the little guys do end up making great recordings with said secrets what projects are they applying them to? Just because Butch Vig told people how they recorded Green Day's guitars doesn't mean he's now replaceable on the next album. Giving away his "secrets" didn't do a single thing to make him lose business.

Butch is a well established artist and engineer...I think that's the main difference.
this is the only place i give out my settings
not because i worry about people using my own settings better than me or something, but because i know you guys are gonna benefit from seeing how other peeps do shit, seeing shit from different viewpoints and all that jazz and im cool with that
this is the only place i give out my settings
not because i worry about people using my own settings better than me or something, but because i know you guys are gonna benefit from seeing how other peeps do shit, seeing shit from different viewpoints and all that jazz and im cool with that

Maybe it's just me, but setting and presets are kinda worthless.
Settings are only relevent to the room and signal chain they were used with, this includes the pair of ears and brain at the end of the signal chain:Spin: