Rapid Inflation


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
No, I'm not talking about the economy. Nor am I referring to particles in a nuclear expansion.

In this case, I'm talking about the unbelievable expansion of the waistlines around my workplace. I mean, what the fuck is going on here?

Case in point: Kelly just walked by. Never talked to her, but she sits not too far away. Probably 30 years of age, cheeks are getting a little saggy, and her face is pretty flat--kinda like a Chinese, but she's a whitey.

Nevertheless, she always has good clothes and lots of make-up, and a certain degree of class and sophistication. She's engaged and preparing for her wedding.

So why's she getting fatter?

I mean, she's plumping up. I saw her leaning against her boss's desk, and her thighs are getting huge! I mean, goddamn!

I thought women generally let themselves get fuckin big and fat after marriage, because they figure they don't have to be attractive to anyone anymore, even their husbands. But if Kelly keeps up the weight gain, she'll have to trade in her wedding dress for a plus size at least three times before the big day!

What's going on here! And I wonder what her fiance thinks? Does he mind that her ass is going to be a fuckin cattle-car caboose? Maybe he likes that. But he'll have to ignore the rapidly increasing number of folds all along her front and sides.

This fuckin shit is weak.

I really hear what you say! I recently met my old schoolmate, she's my age and she'd got married like a year ago or so...I was stoked. Boy is she fat. She's gained like half of her fucking weight, she looks like fucking whale now!
It's always like this, after chicks got married, they think they needn't be attractive anymore, cos the hunt is over! And asses grow and grow.
johnnieCzech said:
It's always like this, after chicks got married, they think they needn't be attractive anymore, cos the hunt is over! And asses grow and grow.
true my freind, very true...
I'm gettin less and less tolerant of this shit.

Look at that bitch wasting time over there playing solitaire (at least I'm posting this on my break time).

If I were the big boss man, I'd stroll right up to her, grab that big fold of thick fat behind her shoulder and armpit between four fingers and a thumb, and shout "You stupid fat bitch! You're shit-canned! Play cards on yer own time! Get the fuck outta here!"

Every time I pass by her desk, those folds behind the shoulder press against her shirt, attempting to rip through the material like a Ginsu 2000 through a shower curtain. Why the fuck do these outrageously unhealthy pigs insist on wearing tight clothing? A goddamn canvass tent from last year's jamboree is more fitting than Chinese cotton stretched tight like a drum across this bitch's expansive girth.

One's tummy doesn't know whether to convulse and turn in upon itself, or reject breakfast in a violent upheaval....
