Rapp-Metal Bands In Slump.......Limp Bizkit, Korn, & POD.....Sales Shrink!

OfficerNice said:
No matter how much a record sells, people are gonna like what they like.
Some people like nu-metal and that's cool, to each their own. Those guys
like playing it and have fun and their fans have fun. Their fans think it's good
music. Opeth fans think their music is good, but to most it's just boring as shit.It's not for me but


I am all for live and let live, but if you annoy me with you raprock, live out of my site.

as for "to each their own", nu metal fans don't really like numetl, they are just blinded by it and think that it is the only metal that exists.
I had 3 friends who listened to nu and after I introduced them to metal, they were so damn ashamed of ever saying anything about numetl and said they hated it for wasting their time.
This is so ridiculous. Rap Rock/Rap Metal/Nu-Metal, whatever it's called.
Everybody likes different music. There's plenty of room in this world for people

to do the music they want, whether it's your metal or someone else's nu-metal
or rap metal or pop music like Christina and Justin. If you don't like it, well....
that means it's not for you, so let it go and move on and let the people who
want it, have it. Simply because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean it
shouldn't exist. Some people like rap metal for what it is. You are making
your experience into a generalization. There are plenty of people who don't
give a shit about 'real' metal and would rather listen to rap metal.

For all the stuff you like there is someone who doesn't like it and for the stuff
you don't like, there is someone who does. Back in the 80's POD was called
Bad Brains. They're basically very similar beasts. I say who cares how someone's
wearing their hat. if you don't like it, don't worry about it and quit looking
at people who wear them the way you don't like.
For all you know, maybe there's someone who's tired of
the way you wear something you do. To be so militant over how someone
wears a fucking hat is goddamn ludicrous, absurd, ridiculous, vain, and lofty.

Trendiness isn't confined just to pop music. There's plenty of trendiness in metal
and I'm talking about the metal we commonly believe is the real metal.
There's plenty of trendiness in how 'real' metal people dress too, so the
idea that pop is sellout and trendy and metal itself isn't trendy is just
unilateral ignorance.......or denial. Personally, the more the merrier.....
I Hope nu rock, nu metal, rap rock, rap metal ....all of it continues to live.
Rap metal has just as much right as all the other kinds of metal.
I don't know much about this nu-metal stuff so I'm not gonna waste
my time hating on something I barely know fuck-one about. That would
be ridiculous if I did. Rap Metal has no bearing on real metal. Rap Metal
causes no obstruction or oppression of real metal. Rap Metal takes nothing
away from real metal. Rap Metal has not caused negative backlash or
negative reprocussions on Real Metal so what's all the bitching about?

It's a sweeping generalization to say that most of the bands who play
nu-metal disrespect their fans. How do you know? Do you know them
personally? Are you by their side 24-7 to be a firsthand witness? I bet not.
If you're going on stupid bullshit media reports then you're mad. Everyone
knows the media is full of shite and that isn't partial and exclusionary of the
things that go on with the bands you don't like. Most musicians are sellouts.
Music is a business and in order to survive you have to be a business person
in some regard if you want to sell your music. There are plenty of sellouts in
Real Metal. What about the Jagermeister tour? That's pretty corporate
and it's pretty mainstream. That'd be sellout too y'know...taking corporate
dollars to help support, fund and promote your tour....talk about being
completely NOT underground.

One of my old neighbors was bigtime into Limp, Korn,Deftones, Staind and
he was 3 years older than me but moreover, and the most important detail....
he was one of the coolest dudes I've ever met. He knows I'm a Judas Priest
guy and I know he's rockin the LB.....and we never hated on each others
stuff. It's all good and it's all in fun....stop being so posturey-militant and
pretentious. If I hated on Geoff's music than I never woulda been Geoff's
friend and I would be the real loser because my ridiculous snobbery over
music would prevent me from having a good friend and friendship is more
important than some stupid ideology isn't it?

Wanting someone to fail because you don't agree with what they are
doing is fucked up.
Aren't Deftones nu-metal? Stephen Carpenter is Chuck Billy's cousin.
Do you think Chuck wants to see his cousin fail just because he's
not playing
Thrash? I'd be shocked if Chuck did.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
I am not surprised that these bands are starting to fail. I think the kids are realizing that there is more substance behind thrash and other types of metal than the jump the f**k up stuff that came out lately. It was interesting for a split second when it started but then everybody and there grandmother jumped on that band wagon.

I hope some of these bands are going back and start playing more aggressive music than just plain rap metal.
Limp Bizkit and POD aren't rap metal. Stuck Mojo is real rap metal and heavy as hell.
i dont think those bands would "fail"
they will still be around... put out albums, just not as big and flashy as before...
Remember how big Pearl Jam were in the early-mid 90's?
they are still alive, just not as big.

i have no intention for those bands to "fail".
i dont want any musician to fail.... it sucks.

its funny, however, to see how "loyal" those fans are... unlike other fans for other styles of music we all know... *looks up to the band's name on top of this page*
I think some nu-metal vocalists are talented... Vocals are often the only interresting thing about nu-metal... take disturbed's vocalist... he can sing with a pretty bad-ass voice.

System of a Down has a unique voice too!

Linkin Park... I hate their music but the vocals on In the End are very tight and just!

That's what make nu-metal so acceptable... the vocals are catchy!

I don't think the music would be as popular with Bobby Blitz on the mike!
Deadly Embrace said:
I really like Stuck MoJo.......BTW
Hell yea, my cousin snagged a bootleg tape of Snappin' Necks years ago, I've since bought every release -- too bad they called it a day...

The only band of it's kind, and they pulled it off perfectly, able to combine rap with heavy as hell riffing, I'd bet most of you'd like it if you haven't heard it. And, with Sneap producing from Rising and later, with everything he touches seems like it turns to gold, well recommended!!!

Saw them with Sevendust about 5-6 years ago, lots of that stupid fuckin' bouncing shit from Bonz and the crowd, but the show was still cool...
Pfft, Blitz can out-sing any of those shmucks. But you're right, it wouldn't be acceptable for mass consumption.

System of A Down has one or two good songs...like that one about dead angels or whatever. And Spiders. But by and large (LARGE), mallcore (I refuse to dignify that crap by referring to it as nu-metal) sucks in all its variations.
SAZZ said:
has anyone heard of Dub-War? the lead singer was the guset vocalists on Soulfly's ST CD. the song is called "Prejudice"

Yeah. The singer was Benji. They broke up a few years ago, Benji was
working with Rob Trujillo on something but didn't most of Dub War get
back together as Skindred? (name always reminds me of Skinlab+Mordred)
Don't know any of the tunes though, just a big reader....
Officer Nice said:
This is so ridiculous. Rap Rock/Rap Metal/Nu-Metal, whatever it's called.
Everybody likes different music. There's plenty of room in this world for people

to do the music they want, whether it's your metal or someone else's nu-metal
or rap metal or pop music like Christina and Justin. If you don't like it, well....
that means it's not for you, so let it go and move on and let the people who
want it, have it. Simply because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean it
shouldn't exist. Some people like rap metal for what it is. You are making
your experience into a generalization. There are plenty of people who don't
give a shit about 'real' metal and would rather listen to rap metal.

For all the stuff you like there is someone who doesn't like it and for the stuff
you don't like, there is someone who does. Back in the 80's POD was called
Bad Brains. They're basically very similar beasts. I say who cares how someone's
wearing their hat. if you don't like it, don't worry about it and quit looking
at people who wear them the way you don't like.
For all you know, maybe there's someone who's tired of
the way you wear something you do. To be so militant over how someone
wears a fucking hat is goddamn ludicrous, absurd, ridiculous, vain, and lofty.

Trendiness isn't confined just to pop music. There's plenty of trendiness in metal
and I'm talking about the metal we commonly believe is the real metal.
There's plenty of trendiness in how 'real' metal people dress too, so the
idea that pop is sellout and trendy and metal itself isn't trendy is just
unilateral ignorance.......or denial. Personally, the more the merrier.....
I Hope nu rock, nu metal, rap rock, rap metal ....all of it continues to live.
Rap metal has just as much right as all the other kinds of metal.
I don't know much about this nu-metal stuff so I'm not gonna waste
my time hating on something I barely know fuck-one about. That would
be ridiculous if I did. Rap Metal has no bearing on real metal. Rap Metal
causes no obstruction or oppression of real metal. Rap Metal takes nothing
away from real metal. Rap Metal has not caused negative backlash or
negative reprocussions on Real Metal so what's all the bitching about?

It's a sweeping generalization to say that most of the bands who play
nu-metal disrespect their fans. How do you know? Do you know them
personally? Are you by their side 24-7 to be a firsthand witness? I bet not.
If you're going on stupid bullshit media reports then you're mad. Everyone
knows the media is full of shite and that isn't partial and exclusionary of the
things that go on with the bands you don't like. Most musicians are sellouts.
Music is a business and in order to survive you have to be a business person
in some regard if you want to sell your music. There are plenty of sellouts in
Real Metal. What about the Jagermeister tour? That's pretty corporate
and it's pretty mainstream. That'd be sellout too y'know...taking corporate
dollars to help support, fund and promote your tour....talk about being
completely NOT underground.

One of my old neighbors was bigtime into Limp, Korn,Deftones, Staind and
he was 3 years older than me but moreover, and the most important detail....
he was one of the coolest dudes I've ever met. He knows I'm a Judas Priest
guy and I know he's rockin the LB.....and we never hated on each others
stuff. It's all good and it's all in fun....stop being so posturey-militant and
pretentious. If I hated on Geoff's music than I never woulda been Geoff's
friend and I would be the real loser because my ridiculous snobbery over
music would prevent me from having a good friend and friendship is more
important than some stupid ideology isn't it?

Wanting someone to fail because you don't agree with what they are
doing is fucked up.
Aren't Deftones nu-metal? Stephen Carpenter is Chuck Billy's cousin.
Do you think Chuck wants to see his cousin fail just because he's
not playing
Thrash? I'd be shocked if Chuck did.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

I doubt that people actually like bad music that is constantly forced upon them.

I didn't read the rest of your post, next time write some highlights of your points.
I really like System of a Down. I was a big MR Bungle fan in the 90's, and their music somehow reminds me of them, though mostly indirectly...
The saYer said:
I doubt that people actually like bad music that is constantly forced upon them.

I didn't read the rest of your post, next time write some highlights of your points.

1. Music is forced on nobody.

2. America is a republic democracy.
We're allowed to buy the music we choose and listen to the music
we choose. Therefore music is a democracy.

3. Nobody's forcing Limp Bizkit on you. You always have the choice
to just say no.

4. Music you think is bad, someone else thinks is good.
Music you think is good, other people think is bad.
It's all subjective opinion.

So, now what else to do you have to say?

I don't care that you didnt read the rest of my post. So there.
xenophobe said:
I really like System of a Down. I was a big MR Bungle fan in the 90's, and their music somehow reminds me of them, though mostly indirectly...

Mr. Bungles first record was so awesome.