Hey everyone!
Soon we will have a make a donation link up on the website it goes directly to a paypal account so if you have paypal and would like to donate to Rapture that would be great,And for those of you who do not have Paypal you can always send anything to the Rapture contact address on the page.
Let me explain a few things I get alot of inquiries from people asking how much money we make doing this and let me explain None of us make a dime doing this and it cost us about $90.00 a month to do this.
All proceeds from donations will go directly to helping pay for the station and for purchasing new music.I want to keep everyone up to date with the latest music as possible and though we do have some support from excelent labels there are alot of labels that will not even sniff Rapture because we do not report to CMJ (CMJ cost $300.00 a year and well we just cannot aford it!)
If you cannot send anything we just simply appreciate you listning,or if you just want to pass out flyers (contact me) We appreciate the support.
It would be killer if you can just send cd's for airplay as well there are a ton of titles we need right now and I feel horrible that I do not have the money to go out and buy them myself or I would!
So its just a thought if you can help out thanks so much and if helping out for you is just listning you are just as important.
Look you are all family to me that is what is differant about Rapture you are all my family and I care about all of you,I am not doing this for fame or money (as you just found out),I want to share great music with all of you and do it like no one has ever done it before by gaining a family of people who rawk!
Soon we will have a make a donation link up on the website it goes directly to a paypal account so if you have paypal and would like to donate to Rapture that would be great,And for those of you who do not have Paypal you can always send anything to the Rapture contact address on the page.
Let me explain a few things I get alot of inquiries from people asking how much money we make doing this and let me explain None of us make a dime doing this and it cost us about $90.00 a month to do this.
All proceeds from donations will go directly to helping pay for the station and for purchasing new music.I want to keep everyone up to date with the latest music as possible and though we do have some support from excelent labels there are alot of labels that will not even sniff Rapture because we do not report to CMJ (CMJ cost $300.00 a year and well we just cannot aford it!)
If you cannot send anything we just simply appreciate you listning,or if you just want to pass out flyers (contact me) We appreciate the support.
It would be killer if you can just send cd's for airplay as well there are a ton of titles we need right now and I feel horrible that I do not have the money to go out and buy them myself or I would!
So its just a thought if you can help out thanks so much and if helping out for you is just listning you are just as important.
Look you are all family to me that is what is differant about Rapture you are all my family and I care about all of you,I am not doing this for fame or money (as you just found out),I want to share great music with all of you and do it like no one has ever done it before by gaining a family of people who rawk!