Rare Band!


New Metal Member
Oct 9, 2008
Hey! I would like to know what you do when you find some good band on myspace but their cd is juste impossible to find in store.. I don't like to download but even if I try to download the album i couldn't find it so how get the cd if I don't find it in store and on the internet?

Ps : Sorry for my English
There are people who know of places that almost anything can be downloaded, I think. I don't know, but some do. Personally I just look on eBay and Amazon, and anywhere else online until I find it. Sometimes you can hook up with someone and trade CDRs of albums, or MP3s.
Thanks for the answer but i'm to young to go to ebay.. do you know someone who know how to download these rare songs?
Yeah i prefer buying too but when i can't find it..

and what is soulseek?
Do you know a good torrent site?
You can find almost anything on Soulseek if you want to download it.

If you want to buy it, look on the band's MySpace and try contacting them if they don't have a link to a web shop. Otherwise, just find out the record label and try buying it through the label's website.