rate it, (heavyish)


New Metal Member
May 21, 2011
ok, recently got a new amp, and thought i give it go.

need feedback, not just on the guitars but the drums/bass too.

its not a song, just a rough riff.

heres what im using
gibson les paul voodoo,
peavey jsx head, peavey jsx cab
shure sm7
m audio mobile pre usb interface
cubase sx2
ezdrummer w/ drum kit from hell
squire p bass :( DI'd

theres 3 guitar tracks (2 panned hard and 1 thickner in the centre
2 bass tracks 1 clean 1 distorted.

just listened to the blackening again, so i was wanting some kinda heavy wall of guitar type sound

oh yeah and you can find it here:


theres some on the drums but nothing else.

you think the guitars sound distant? you think it could be mic placement or my recording space.

I am going on axis against the grill, central to the speaker. my space isnt the best, but it aint so bad.