Rate My First Mix? Djenty-ish Post Hardcore


Mar 7, 2011
Just got a new PC and I want to get into Recording/Mixing. Here's my first full mix done with Cubase 5, M-audio Fast Track Ultra 8r, Line 6 Gearbox. Any input would help a ton!
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i love it. snare sounds a little weak though. i noticed you had the rhythm guitar panned hard left and the lead far right. have you tried double-tracking the rhythm and panning hard left and right? i think you'll get a thicker sound that way. as for the leads you can try panning slight left or right. pretty cool though:)
i love it. snare sounds a little weak though. i noticed you had the rhythm guitar panned hard left and the lead far right. have you tried double-tracking the rhythm and panning hard left and right? i think you'll get a thicker sound that way. as for the leads you can try panning slight left or right. pretty cool though:)

Thanks for the kind words dude! I was kinda thinkin along the same lines with the snare, I want it to crack but have some balls in the low end, i just went way over the top blending a bunch of snares and compressing it noob style, lol.. Before I came up with the final mix I had the Rhythm double tracked and the lead sitting center, maybe i should try that again or pan the lead slightly off? My kick felt like it was eq'd a little weird but i noticed that most metal kicks have a ton of high end and just a slight low end punch....that's what i was going for but i think i gotta go back and start the kick over maybe see if i can get some better results cause it sounds kinda...hmm what's the word...plastic-y? haha, idk. sorry i'm a little longwinded this is my first post here and i'm stoked to have people to bounce ideas off of!
Your drums are pretty weak. To me, he kick is a near-inaudible click, and the snare sounds very weak and robotic. The clean guitars are pretty good, but your distorted guitars need way more volume, gain and meat. 0:41-on sounds weird, I'd stick with 2 rhythm tracks for the whole song. I was also left wondering where that 'djent' was.
Your drums are pretty weak. To me, he kick is a near-inaudible click, and the snare sounds very weak and robotic. The clean guitars are pretty good, but your distorted guitars need way more volume, gain and meat. 0:41-on sounds weird, I'd stick with 2 rhythm tracks for the whole song. I was also left wondering where that 'djent' was.

Thanks for the input, I see what you mean about the kick and snare i felt like those were my biggest problems. Not sure the guitars need more gain but i could definitely bring them up in the mix, i took some volume out originally cause i felt like they were a little overpowering. Now that i think about it the songs not djenty at all, haha. my tone is kind of djenty when i just jam but in the mix it doesn't really sound that way.
a lot of potential with this writing, whilst i'm about to bash the mix, it's only because i like it ;) that said;

the drums sound like they were recorded with the mics in another room. either change the samples or rework the processing. the kick needs to come up, and the snare needs higher velocity at the very least.

you've got 1 rhythm guitar panned left, and lead panned right. stick with 2 rhythm guitars and 1 lead (as other have suggested), it'll sound a lot better. what are you using for guitars? they need some more high end, too.

finally, the low end of the kick is pumping out the over all mix really badly, you might want to cut out some of the very low end of your kick, or rework your master bus compression, or both.

really good writing, but it's being let down with the mix. if you work at it, it'll be awesome! :D

a lot of potential with this writing, whilst i'm about to bash the mix, it's only because i like it ;) that said;

the drums sound like they were recorded with the mics in another room. either change the samples or rework the processing. the kick needs to come up, and the snare needs higher velocity at the very least.

you've got 1 rhythm guitar panned left, and lead panned right. stick with 2 rhythm guitars and 1 lead (as other have suggested), it'll sound a lot better. what are you using for guitars? they need some more high end, too.

finally, the low end of the kick is pumping out the over all mix really badly, you might want to cut out some of the very low end of your kick, or rework your master bus compression, or both.

really good writing, but it's being let down with the mix. if you work at it, it'll be awesome! :D


Thanks dude, really stoked you dig it! I've got thick skin so no worries as far as the "mix bashing", lol. I'm gonna try a new sample for the snare and rework the kick. The toms and the overheads are the only remnants of the live recording that are left in the mix. I'll try to have a revised version with some of the suggestions you guys have put forward up in a couple hours. Wish I could reamp but unfortunately i'm too broke atm for a di box so i'm just using my ux1 and gearbox standalone. i have the metalshop pack but i usually just use the solo 100 i kind of like the gain structure and the way it blends with my ts9...maybe i'll try the big botom next time tho i got some decent results...i felt like it was a little bright but if u think the guitars could use some top end than switching might be a good start.
Songs pumping on every kink neat, back off a little on the compression on your master

yea dude someone else said that as well how do u know when it's pumping, like do u just develop an ear for it over time or is it something that once u hear it it's like ohhhh that!
Yeah dude, mute the kick and listen to the song without the kick, then drop it in and you"ll hear the other instruments kinda dropping out on every kick, the kick is driving the master compressor too hard so all the other instruments have no space when the kick hits, try dropping your input on the compressor and increase your output so the comp isn't working as hard!

Have you EQed your kick and bass guitar accordingly? EG. where you boost or cut on 1, do the opposite on the other instrument, so that they arnt fighting.
let us know when you post a new mix. good luck :)

edit: btw i noticed you have gearbox. If you have line 6 monkey on your computer try getting the Pod Farm download. its free. i have gearbox but ever since i got the pod farm running its all i use for guitars
Ok this took longer than i expected thanks to cubase crashing a bunch of times and my gf giving me crap for being glued to the comp, lol. I honestly can't tell if this sounds any better...my ears are tired! lol [soundcloud]cloud.com/user1475721/project-1b[/soundcloud]
New mix sounds better already, snare's not my cup of tea but the guitars sound WAAAY better IMHO.

And btw I already like you man, just because of your profile name haha.
Best band ever
the link is slightly broken!

managed to check it out on the sc website, and the kick and snare are an improvement! although i think the kick sample isn't that great still, you might want to change it for another..

also, check your PMs!

Just purchase lasses samples, and put em on dry. Will get better snare and kick already. Guitars are also very weak, there's hardly none low end going on and the mid/high range is harsh and dry. You need more low, more clarity, more depth and better samples.

EDIT: Cool song! And are you mixing through monitors?
New mix sounds better already, snare's not my cup of tea but the guitars sound WAAAY better IMHO.

And btw I already like you man, just because of your profile name haha.
Best band ever

Haha, thanks dude they just played here in s.d. on thursday with circa survive it was one of the best shows of my life!

the link is slightly broken!

managed to check it out on the sc website, and the kick and snare are an improvement! although i think the kick sample isn't that great still, you might want to change it for another..

also, check your PMs!


I Thanks for the input tho and yea I think the kick still needs work. It was bumpin in my headphones last night tho i promise!

Just purchase lasses samples, and put em on dry. Will get better snare and kick already. Guitars are also very weak, there's hardly none low end going on and the mid/high range is harsh and dry. You need more low, more clarity, more depth and better samples.

EDIT: Cool song! And are you mixing through monitors?

thanks dude, I will have to look into those, although i kinda don't think it's the samples to blame, it's what i'm doing to screw them up at this point, lol. i'm still trying to figure out what i need to be hearing when i'm mixing, like i came into work today and listened on my shure in-ears and i can hear that the snare is a little dull, not really cracking the way i'd like it to...to answer your question, yes i just got yamaha hs80m's. i am still getting used to them, and i also use sennheiser hd280 (i believe they are?) to cross reference.