Rate My First Mix? Djenty-ish Post Hardcore

For someone who's starting off as you are this will take you much time, practice, trial&error... and forum searches to get what you want - unless you're simply attempting to put together a c-grade demo for a rough idea. You have a sound in your head and you want to hear it through your monitors right... that won't happen overnight. Stick to it, its ok to be over critical of your work right now, if you're serious about it you don't want to settle for a mediocre/passable sound. Keep playing around with certain elements in your mix process. But know that no amount of mixing will make a shitty dull valvestate gtr tone into a bright/vibrant warm tube tone. Gotta start with a great sound... if you have a great sound already coming into a mic there's way to make it more brilliant, if you have a crappy tone going into a mic mixing it will be like polishing a turd... its gonna be crap no matter what you do. You'll eventually develop an ear for these things and when it comes to mixing guitars less is more and more is less in most cases.
For someone who's starting off as you are this will take you much time, practice, trial&error... and forum searches to get what you want - unless you're simply attempting to put together a c-grade demo for a rough idea. You have a sound in your head and you want to hear it through your monitors right... that won't happen overnight. Stick to it, its ok to be over critical of your work right now, if you're serious about it you don't want to settle for a mediocre/passable sound. Keep playing around with certain elements in your mix process. But know that no amount of mixing will make a shitty dull valvestate gtr tone into a bright/vibrant warm tube tone. Gotta start with a great sound... if you have a great sound already coming into a mic there's way to make it more brilliant, if you have a crappy tone going into a mic mixing it will be like polishing a turd... its gonna be crap no matter what you do. You'll eventually develop an ear for these things and when it comes to mixing guitars less is more and more is less in most cases.

i def see some areas in my cubased project where i was just hacking away and eq'ing/compressing things to death, haha. if i had got some really solid takes, and maybe approached the mixing with a "less is more" mindset from the start of this one i probably would have got some better results. my next project i think i will recording a reamp track so i can change guitar tones if i choose. anyone interested in a cheap way to do it, i haven't tested it yet but from what i understand, there is a freeware plugin called senderella, that routes the incoming audio to two different tracks like a splitter, so u can monitor with ur di program on one, and track the unprocessed one on another track. at least thats the way i understand it...anyone know of a better way or does this sound like a good idea for someone who can't afford a legit reamp box?
dude i finally heard it. sounds wayy better now. i love the way the leads are sitting in the mix now than how they were before. love the style too

Big thanks man! And to everyone else as well thanks for the input and kind words it definitely helped me improve this song, and gave me some good advice for going forward. I'll be starting a new song soon, this time i have to program drums though because i had to return my buddy's fast track ultra.
this song is awesome man, but i totally agree about the whole 'getting a new sample pack thing' lol, the drums sound really roomy and theres not much tightness to them, especially in the overheads the crash your using rings on top of the mix a bit to much and same with you china, but with all that said this is still a very good composition :)
this song is awesome man, but i totally agree about the whole 'getting a new sample pack thing' lol, the drums sound really roomy and theres not much tightness to them, especially in the overheads the crash your using rings on top of the mix a bit to much and same with you china, but with all that said this is still a very good composition :)

Thanks dude, much appreciated. the overheads were the only original part of the drums left, well aside from the 2 second tom fill. I recorded it live and did kick and snare replacement and left the overheads. I think part of it is the drummer's room, it's just a wood shed maybe 7x12 feet. and he used (i kid you not) a remnant of a crash, haha. he likes it better than his new one. but yea i'm using the metal factory samples for kick and snare idk why i can't get a good sound. aside from not having much experience yet...