Rate my first paid job! [Hardcore, kinda]

Hey dude, start by cutting a lot of the 600 - 1k region from the guitars. That's an area that can make things sound a bit muffled, almost like its coming through a telephone. Compare your mix to something you're aiming for. I'd also cut some 200 from your snare. Add some 3k to your vox. Cut 3k from cymbals and add some 7-10k. I'm just on mac speakers so I can't comment too much but that should definitely help a bit

Are you fairly new to engineering? You're on the right path - your mix just needs some work. There's definitely some potential.
Hey dude, start by cutting a lot of the 600 - 1k region from the guitars. That's an area that can make things sound a bit muffled, almost like its coming through a telephone. Compare your mix to something you're aiming for. I'd also cut some 200 from your snare. Add some 3k to your vox. Cut 3k from cymbals and add some 7-10k. I'm just on mac speakers so I can't comment too much but that should definitely help a bit

Are you fairly new to engineering? You're on the right path - your mix just needs some work. There's definitely some potential.

Thanks a lot for the criticism, it's well needed! Especially the muffled guitar thingy, which I haven't figured out how to get rid of myself. Would you like to explain why to cut and boost at those frequencies on the OH?

I am indeed quite new, this is my first paid job, only done a couple of songs before. Thanks for taking the time!
Thanks a lot for the criticism, it's well needed! Especially the muffled guitar thingy, which I haven't figured out how to get rid of myself. Would you like to explain why to cut and boost at those frequencies on the OH?

I am indeed quite new, this is my first paid job, only done a couple of songs before. Thanks for taking the time!

Anything with too much 3k is going to battle for room in the mix with vocals. I pretty much always cut at least a bit from my guitars and overheads. 7-10k will just add a nice sheen to the top end. I usually cut some 800 too... just don't any of that stuff really.

You shouldn't need to boost or cut by much more than 3 or 4 dB. That's just a guideline though, feel free to break the rules if it makes stuff sound better.
Anything with too much 3k is going to battle for room in the mix with vocals. I pretty much always cut at least a bit from my guitars and overheads. 7-10k will just add a nice sheen to the top end. I usually cut some 800 too... just don't any of that stuff really.

You shouldn't need to boost or cut by much more than 3 or 4 dB. That's just a guideline though, feel free to break the rules if it makes stuff sound better.

Aha, thanks for bringing clarity to this (and my mix, hehe...). What I don't get, though, is that in Reaper the guitars don't sound muffled at all, but rendered they do, got any explanation for that?

Here's a newer versions, guided by the changes you suggested:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5241621/Let's Go Objective FÄRDIG3.mp3
What did you use for guitars? I'd go back to the source and work on the tone some more - it sounds muffled and undergained still. Also - this song should definitely start at the 48 second mark! The stuff before that sucks! But I like the grind vibe after the stick count in!

No clue as to why it sounds different after bouncing it - sorry! I'm not a Reaper user anyway.
What bitrate MP3 are you bouncing it down to? That will have a lot to do with the sound difference, bounce it to the highest quality that Reaper allows (320 kbps)
Guitars are TSE X50 into Catharsis' impulses, this song has already been released, but I'll think about these things for future work, so thanks for sharing your opinion! I do also think that the intro breakdown is quite unnecessary, it's quite cool live, but maybe not for a release, wellwell, who am I to judge? :)

I render it to .wav and then convert it into .mp3 using Lame Encoder at highest VBR available.