Rate My Full Collection and Post Yours

I have about 125 CDs that range through a lot of styles. I just took the time to add all the CDs I could remember off the top of my head to CdTracker. The list is about as untrue as you get them, my death/black list is all Mp3, and I have a shitload of stuff to buy before I get to that. I guess the guy who requested variety will get what he wants in this one...

speed said:
The question for me is whether or not one is typing out and acquiring such massive metal collections for oneself, or for others?

I track my CDs with a homebrew web application. All my CD info is stored in a database. So whenever I purchace a new disc, I put it in the CDROM drive and in a matter of seconds my database is updated. No typing is required (other than to correct track title spelling errors and such).

speed said:
Surely the starter of this thread wanted to show off his collection to others- yet it does seem he collects to fulfill his own musical tastes; is this the common theme for all the other posters? It just seems horribly self indulgent in all the wrong ways ( as in trying to show off to others).

Are you implying that some people might have a large collection simply to impress others? If so, I really don't think that's the case. A large CD collection is a lot of money, and I don't think anyone would spend that much cash on music unless it was primarily for personal gratification. Of course, people spend money on all sorts of things in order to impress other people or to make themselves look better (plastic surgery, loud car stereos, etc.), but a CD collection doesn't strike me as one of those things.

Now, don't get me wrong. I have in the neighborhood of 750 CDs, all bought with my own money. It isn't the largest collection around here by any means, but it is still decently sized. When someone walks into my basement who hasn't seen my collection before, and sees all those discs lining the wall, I do get a lot of satisfaction out of their reaction.
"Got enough CDs?"..."Holy Shit!"..."Let me guess what kind of music you like!" etc. There's a lot of money sitting on those shelves, and with that there's a lot of pride. If you have a really nice car, aren't you proud to drive it around? If you've invested hours and hours of your free time working out, aren't you proud of the results? It's the same concept here.

speed said:
Furthermore- just what makes one spend so much money on such a collection- just what is it- desire?

Yes. Desire for metal. I hear a lot of music from mp3 trading and internet radio, and if I like an album, I will buy it when I have any spare cash. So over the years, I've heard many albums I like, and thus I have bought them. It's just what I personally decide to spend my money on. That's pretty much all there is to it.

Here's my list: http://www.teiresias.net/~tyr/metal/all_albums_txt.php
Sonicarnal Artist said:
Ahh... boring old fucking Sunday nights. I just spent the past 5-6 hours typing up my full collection of albums/MP3s. So, give your thoughts and share yours (preferably hosted elsewhere as to prevent clutter on here).


This may be one of the few places where you will find Sarah Brightman between Bowel Stew and Brodequin.

I'm too lazy type up all of my music but I just wanted to say that your collection is....really good.