Rate my metal/hard rock mix

uhm... harsh would be telling you to not bother trying to remix it... and move on...

but I'm not going to be mean and say that :)

ouch! on that double kick part... :erk:

guitars arent horrible sounding... vocals are a bit burried in the mix... maybe thats a good thing?

cant hear bass at all...

drums sounded really fake at first... like a DFHS or something...
What can I do to help all of that? The funny thing is how much of a significant improvement this mix is over the last one. I agree with you on most of the points. What can I do to fix this all?
What can I do to fix this all?

Just keep tweaking and trying new stuff until you get something you think sounds good. The guitars aren't that bad but the vocals could use some heavy compression and bring their level up a bit. OVerall the guitars over power everything and that is the main problem. Try to get everything its own space in the mix so taht you can at least hear everything.

I agree I wouldn't sit too long on this mix, just move on and record something new and take another shot at it.

It sounds bland... very boring... your job as a mix engineer is to make the track(s) sound interesting...

I wouldn't know what to do to it as i almost fell asleep listening to it... it kind of faded into the background of what I'm doing at the moment...

Try making the drums a bit punchier? and bring up the piano... start there... oh, and tame those vocals a bit...