rate my mix, LTD,MM,MetalFoundry...

Are there any vocals? If there are, how do they mesh with this mix? I'd shoot for a little thicker of a midrange, but the vibe is pretty great already. It'd sound great cranked. I'd buy it.
If you have the possibility to reamp (if this is an amp, which it sounds like to me) I would retrack with SLIGHTLY more gain and a tiny bit more treble.

The drums sound great, awesome job.
Gonna need some low end in this. I can't really pick up the bass on it right now. The kick needs to come to life also and really push this.

In a track, guitars are recorded in a line, maxon 808, through self-made preamp and further an impulse...

At me some problems with the bass control...
In a mix there is no mastering :rolleyes:

I can record through my preamp your guitar

If I have correctly understood...?

I was asking if you have DI signals of the guitar to be reamped. From what I'm reading, the guitars are already finalized. I would maybe consider a different impulse.

Your self made preamp has a nice tonality. What amp is it based off of?