Rate my Mix & production posthardcore (first time posting)


New Metal Member
Mar 15, 2011
spent a few days on this, hell im not even finished writing it
ive recording my own music for a couple of years now, and ive fronted a few bands, but ive always recorded music just as a rough draft untill i could get into a studio.
well ive decided ive actually want to take music production seriously,
so after a few weeks spending countless hours reading stuff on these forums,
ive decided to post my product!
before i post the link, please, PLEASE do not post comments like "oh this new post hardcore stuff is garbage, and takes no musical talent. i prefer bands who's members are decrepit and old because they didnt have computers and everything was analogue. that was real music." i honestly dont care. go somewhere else. this is the sound of a younger age, get over it
tell me what you think, and how i could improve:


so yeah, i know i know, the clean vocals sound strange.
i have neighbors... who live 20 ft away from me
i cant just start belting out high notes... theyll think im weird
i have a seperate studio where i did the screams, but i was forced to do cleans in my house.... i did like three takes in my mixed voice (which is why it sounds so nasal) and i was done

production notes:

guitar tone - guitar rig 4
drums - truth drums aaron gillespie's pack (snare and toms) and a kick i ripped from tdwp's plagues. the cymbals i found onone of erkan's posts,
did all the drum track in acoustica beatcraft
vocal vst chain - psp compression, image line equo, classic reverb, and (*sigh ill admit it) autotune just to sorta bridge together the harmony track
synth - fl studio (mostly harmless)

now this is where youll be amazed, and you cant argue that the results i got were really good considering!
i used an m-audio fast track, shure sm58
and Audacity as my DAW

again, im a beginner:p
For a starting point, this is pretty good. Some frequencies are fighting an all out holy war haha but it's good man.

Guitars are a little muddy, but the tone is BA.

All in all, I like it man.
Thanks alot man! :D yeah i hear alot of highs, especially in the vocals.
i dont have a very good ear for that,
ill keep workin on it some :)
I don't hear any bass at all. Not sure if it's just really low or not there at all because i'm listening on my in-ears and they have shitty bass response, but yea bring it up if its there, record it if it's not. The guitar tone sounds decent but it could definitely fill in more space. how are they panned is it 100L 100R? maybe try quad tracking with two of the tracks between 60%-80% each way, and two hard panned. I think the kick needs to come up as well. But yea dude I like the clean vox a lot. If you had time and a place to record them properly I'm sure they would sound legit.
ahaha actually yaah the guitar IS panned at 70% haha ill try quad tracking then : )
as far as bass goes, its in there... sorta.... i dont OWN a bass guitar.... but i have a pitch shifter and a guitar, that would be why the bass sounds so awful. i had to cut so much low end in order to make it sound good with the mix, but youre right, i did cut way too much. i think ill mooch off my bassist's bass for my personal tracks :p Thanks alot for your input man! :D
sounds kinda mono, i hear clipping, drums rattle, vocals are too much in the foreground.
the music is okmy cup of tea, but the vocals sound really strange/strained.
i like the synth part.
