Rate my mix/riffs/ideas/cat


New Metal Member
Mar 30, 2009
Been working on my mixing a bit and tried to get that really fat, heavy, low tuned loveliness going on.

Can't get the guitars to growl quite the way I want them to, but that is probably my guitar/PU's.
Using TSE X30 Sovtek.

edit: Tweaked the mix quite a bit, did some compression on the drumtrack and made the whole mix a bit more open.

that's pretty badass, really liking the tune!

one thing that's getting me, is the drum track, i swear you've got ghost hits on every 16th on the snare in your rhythm section, making it impossible for an actual drummer to play (whilst playing cymbals!).

i'm quite liking the guitar tone, to be honest, i'd be happy with that! what are you using in way of impulses?

1st: I'm no drummer but the ghost notes seem entirely possible to play with 1 hand, the same hand that hits the regular snare hits? There's only 1 cymbal going on at those times anyway. I'm open for correction/more opinions here though :)

2nd: Using the impulse called "EDGE -1 I Inch ala Sneap pic" in Guitarhacks pack.

The guitar being used is my old PRS tuned to GGCFAD.
My mind was molten! Fucking great riffing, i've downloaded your track:) I'm listening this on repeat! :)

The mix fits for this music well i think, but only listened on my AKG K77 headphones(not too linear sounding) But sounded nice.

How long have you been playing man?:) Very nice songwriting, i wish i could write so good songs like this...
Thx for listening.

Updated the mix/song a little:

This is the first time I record something tuned this low, the guitar is just my regular 6string with 0.11-0.49's so the low G is very sloppy! :)
What string gauge would be apropriate for this? Maybe I will have to get a 7.
It sounds great dude, nice cat as well :D

Do you think you would be able to PM me the DI's to this song? I would love to have a go at messing around with these, and seeing what kind of sound I can get out of them :D
good song, great cat.

just fucking with you. Really sweet work. The guitars and overall writing style is really cool. No suggestions as to change anything really, maybe the kick could be a bit clickier and up front. Snare sample could be changed too, sounds fine but not alot of personality. These suggestions are nitpicking though really.

By the way that cat brings the motherfucking brootz.
