Rate My Tone/Mix (Metalcore)

the guitar tone is solid, very good on chugs, tho a bit too much midrange/high end for my taste. what I would work on in the mix is the drums, if you're looking for advise on the whole mix, as they're very bland and have no prescense. is there any bass either?
I would work on the guitar tone for sure, very bland and much louder than drums in the mix, send me your DI's and .mid file and i'll see what I can do
tho a bit too much midrange/high end for my taste. what I would work on in the mix is the drums, if you're looking for advise on the whole mix, as they're very bland and have no prescense. is there any bass either?

I think I might have too much gain, my Mids are at 3 and my Trebs are at 7 on my amp. I feel like the drums sound pretty good for being SD 2.0, and that they have pretty good presence, they may not be life-like at times though. What would be suggested to make them stand out more? I agree the guitars could be turned down some. And yes, there is Bass, I'm using Trilian, and it's pretty dominant. I'm curious as to what type of speakers you're listening to the track on to not hear the Bass.

I would work on the guitar tone for sure, very bland and much louder than drums in the mix, send me your DI's and .mid file and i'll see what I can do

Looking for tips on what could make it better, that's why I posted to get some ideas on where to take this tone/mix from this point. Would love more specific details on what you think would improve this. And I'm wanting tips for myself to improve this mix, not someone else to just do it for me.