Rate the song above you


Feb 28, 2010
right behind you!
i saw this on another forum and it went over well so i thought i would post a thread like it here, it's very simple post a link to a song
dragonland - Starfall

and the person below me is to rate this song on a scale of 1-10 and post a song of their own for the person below them to rate, ect. yeah, so i hope this goes well XD
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Cool idea this I think.

I rate the song above me 7/10. Quite enjoyable that.

I'll start with something soft and a song that was cheering me up through some not so good times not too long ago.

Annihilator - Sounds Good to Me

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I like this idea. Maybe we'll get some people into new bands. Speaking of which...

I've never listened to Annihilator before. This didn't sound anything at all like I expected it to - I was expecting something brutal. Pretty good song though, I enjoyed it a lot. 7/10.

I'll amp up the cheese factor in this topic...

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Ahh I remember this song. Not a Slipknot fan... tried to be unbiased with the song, I've heard it before, but just average to my ears! 5/10.

Here's something a little proggy with the fantastic singer Goran Edman.

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Um I don't see this thread going down well! When it ostensibly seems to be 'rate my taste in music' it's going to annoy when people rate a great band as 0/10 or reward a not so great band with 10/10. I mean Megadeth has already gotten 5/10 :S I don't think I could bring myself to even attached a rating to nu metal bands. Anyway I'm gonna sit this one out, but not to break the flow I'll go with something safe ;)

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Well dude you are supposed to rate my song, as it says in the title, to rate the song above you. So go ahead and do that dude.

6/10 anyway to the one you posted. Power Quest has much better ones.
To be honest, I would certainly hope that people wouldn't actually get annoyed because of peoples' differences of opinion. I admit, I winced a bit when I saw the Megadeth and Power Quest songs getting a mere 5 and 6, but differences of opinion is a part of life, whether anyone likes it or not!

I dunno, maybe it's because I'm used to friendly banter about Music taste with someone who pretty much only likes Deathcore, lol.

To go back and give me opinion on some of the other songs whilst I'm bored:

1928, those two songs you posted are great! Never heard anything from either band before so was cool! Also, for Annihilator, I wouldn't say any of their stuff is "brutal" although it is getting heavier with every release it seems (Their older stuff is more melodic). They are an extremely underrated band of the Speed/Thrash Metal genre. Jeff Waters is one of the best guitarists ever and they are one of the best bands I've ever seen live.

I recommend checking out Crystal Ann/Alison Hell, Phantasmagoria, King of the Kill, 21 and The Trend, to name but a few of their best songs. The Trend has probably my favourite intro to a song ever!

Hearts on Fire is a great song of course. Not a fan of Slipknot and that partcular song. I can enjoy Duality quite a bit when in the mood but that's about it.

Skin 'o My Teeth and Temple of Fire are two my favourite songs by their respective bands! It's interesting and surprising that these would get mediocre scores!

To rate the last two songs, I'd give the Chris Daughtry one 5/10. He's got a good voice but the music in general is not my cup of tea.

10/10 for Temple of Fire everytime. As I say, one of my favourite songs by Power Quest and really hope to hear it live one day!

Ok, me next song

Morbid Angel - Maze of Torment

Yea, I think these threads can go well when people look at them with an open mind. Sometimes the music still doesn't click, though, and that's okay, as long as everyone has fun with it! And thanks Kingface, I was hoping someone would like them. I think they're gems, particularly Time Requiem.

Unicorn... wow, I've never heard of this band before. This is awesome though! Metal Archives says they split up, but I'll definitely look into buying this album after hearing this song. Sounds like a mix of Freedom Call and Power Quest, and that's great! It's been a while since I've found a power metal band who has taken my interest... 9/10

I feel like I should keep posting more obscure bands in hopes that they'll get more recognition. Here's one by Winterborn.

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Gotta say, it's fairly enjoyable to listen to - but for me, it just doesn't stand out enough, doesn't get snagged in my brain enough to warrant a higher mark.
However, please bear in mind, I'm not rating it poorly. I can think of few songs that I know that would honestly get a 10/10.

(For reference, I would give this maybe 8 or 9. An 8 and a half if such things were possible. Although with this I could probably start scoring songs out of 100...)
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8/10 i really like it!

if this thread becomes controversial i apologize, i find threads like this fun. but not everyone likes the same thing as me. as for me giving megadeath a 5, i don't really like thrash, i mean, it was just a taste thing, i don't listen to thrash at all really: matallica, megadeath, children of bodom ect. i don't care for it.
this is the metal i like

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Despite the particularly cheese-filled chorus, I really enjoyed it. I don't really know why I haven't bought any Freedom Call, I've looked them up a few times.

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7/10 for the great chorus

I'm a big fan of the two first albums of Celesty

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Hardly a bad song in this so far.

I rate the song above 7/10. Quite different to what I'm used to listening to but quite good also.

A bit of new old school for my next pick!

White Wizzard - 40 Deuces

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