Rate the song above you

Couldn't resist :lol:
:lol: The song is okay in my opinion. It's not bad, it's not great, I'd give it average 5/10 for safety.

Gonna lighten it up a bit with some 80s music video cheese - a great and classic rock song regardless!

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6/10. The quiet/loud structure makes it sound like a million other pop-rock songs of recent years, but sounds OK.

Keeping things melodic:

Also, in a break from the rules:

Altaria - Unchain the Rain: 8/10 - Fast, heavy, melodic, keyboards sound great. Kicks arse.

Def Lappard - Pour Some Sugar on Me - 10/10 - Love old stuff like that. F'kin awesome song, though apart from the aforementioned song and a couple of others, Hysteria is pretty shit. High 'n' Dry and Pyromania are where it's at as far as Def Leppard is concerned.
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Thoughts on the past few: Def Leppard do rock, Steve! They get less credit than they deserve, though I can't say all of their albums have pleased me - especially Sparkle Lounge and their whole thing with Taylor Swift...

@Mole: I highly recommend the song Valley of Rainbows by Altaria. It's my favorite!

And I love Avantasia, but I'm always torn on Lost In Space. It's such a weird poppy little song and it really makes me dislike what Tobi's done with Avantasia, but I like it nonetheless. And the rest of the Scarecrow album and the LIS EPs are good too, so I can't complain. Fun little song, even if it isn't metal..

Nelson - never heard of this before. Sounds like rock, though Wikipedia says they're a glam metal band. Reminds me of what I hear on the classic rock station at work - that's usually a good thing, and in this case it is! Very nice song, I love catchy and this has it. 8/10

This is a very experimental song, so don't give up on it... it took me a couple listens to really let this one sink in, but I absolutely love this song. The beginning is experimental, and about 2:40 in comes the most beautiful piano break I've ever heard in modern music. And then the end comes in triumphant yet dark. I hope I can turn some people onto this.

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8/10. Much more straightforward than the rest of Ultra Beatdown, which was DF slowing down a bit and throwing in a lot of quirky shit in an attempt to convince everyone they were doing something different. Then again, it is a left over song from the Shadow Warriors days. The cheesy keyboards at the beginning sound cool.

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Yeah it's also the most catchy song on Ultra Beatdown I think!

Anyway, 5/10 for your song. I don't really like the style and chorus.

This time... here's a trance song from a group called Infected Mushroom from my homeland!(Israel).... though that group lives in Los Angeles now.

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man i love infected mushroom. cities of the future is my fave. 8/10 for that one i get the feeling it's a grower.

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Hmm, never heard Alessio outside PQ before...this sounds pretty sweet, even though i like his work more in PQ...i'd say bout 7/10:)

and uhm Sabaton - Panzerkampf
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