Rate these songs!


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Score 'em x/10:

Sepultura - Arise
Opeth - Demon of the Fall
In Flames - Episode 666
Iron Maiden - Caught Somewhere in Time
Testament - Over the Wall
Suicidial Tendencies - You Can't Bring Me Down

6/10 (overrated Opeth song, only the end is good)
I think I heard it once.
10/10 Best. Concertopener. EVAR.
True, but The Legacy is on my list and with half.com staying open I have plenty of time. :loco:
Sepultura - Arise 8/10
Opeth - Demon of the Fall 7/10
In Flames - Episode 666 8/10
Iron Maiden - Caught Somewhere in Time 9/10
Testament - Over the Wall 8/10
Suicidial Tendencies - You Can't Bring Me Down 8/10
Sepultura - Arise 9
Opeth - Demon of the Fall 8
In Flames - Episode 666 6
Iron Maiden - Caught Somewhere in Time 9
Testament - Over the Wall 8
Sepultura - Arise 7/10
Opeth - Demon of the Fall ?
In Flames - Episode 666 ?
Iron Maiden - Caught Somewhere in Time 7/10
Testament - Over the Wall 6/10 ( I hate the vocals on this track)
Suicidial Tendencies - You Can't Bring Me Down 7/10
The only definite 10 out of those would be Caught Somewhere In Time, one of the coolest Maiden intros ever and a great start to their most underrated album. Which is not to say the thrash classics on there are undeserving. Demon is hugely overrated by Opeth fanboys...it still kicks ass as their set closer.
Demonspell said:
The only definite 10 out of those would be Caught Somewhere In Time, one of the coolest Maiden intros ever and a great start to their most underrated album.
I couldn't agree more. The guitar harmony intro that leads to the bass gallop run, and then a MASSIVE riff/tempo change before the vocals kick in...ahh the lights, the theatre, the pyrotechnic explosions of old, and the obligatory repetitive singalong choruses. :tickled: :cool:

You cannot listen to beer without drinking gallons of Maiden. :loco:
Does anyone think Somewhere in time was Maidens reply to the thrash bands speeding up the tempo of metal? I think it's their fastest and most aggressive album.
Tranquillian said:
Does anyone think Somewhere in time was Maidens reply to the thrash bands speeding up the tempo of metal? I think it's their fastest and most aggressive album.
I'd say their most aggressive album is probably Powerslave (or maybe Killers). I always thought Somewhere in Time was their venture into proggy waters....especially with all those guitar synths and rambling riff changes.

Heh, I remember a quote once from ol' Brucey (I think around 86-88):

"The thing about all these thrash bands is that they're all like wallpaper. You peel it away and you find very little underneath".

Sepultura - Arise 8/10
Opeth - Demon of the Fall 8/10
Iron Maiden - Caught Somewhere in Time 9.5/10
Testament - Over the Wall 8/10
Suicidial Tendencies - You Can't Bring Me Down 7/10
I don't think he specifically mentioned thrash...

"I'll tell you, a lot of bands these days are like scary wallpaper. You peel off a bit and there's nothing behind it, no depth."
-- Bruce Dickinson

Re: aggressivity and progressivity (are those even WORDS?): I agree with JayK here, "Killers" and "Powerslave" are probably the most aggressive 'Maiden records. The most aggressive song by far is "Be Quick or Be Dead." That song is basically just asking for thrash cover versions. Progressive... I'd say "Seventh Son" is far more progressive, with more non-linear/narrative structures than "Somewhere in Time" had.
Seventh Son is definitely the more progressive album, but I agree that the synths and slick production on SIT didn't lessen its impact, even when you consider it followed their heaviest record, and it is more aggressive than many people realize.
HAHA some of you havent heard "Arise"? the .. most "famous" Sepultura song probably..anyway
Sepultura - Arise :8/10
Opeth - Demon of the Fall : 2/10
In Flames - Episode 666 : 4/10
Iron Maiden - Caught Somewhere in Time: 10/10
Testament - Over the Wall : 9/10
Suicidial Tendencies - You Can't Bring Me Down : 8/10
IOfTheStorm said:
Opeth - Demon of the Fall : 2/10
Don't like the band or the song? Its not the best song on the album, but I still love it. So much more straight ahead than the other songs.