Rate this "djent" mix


Oct 17, 2010
Hi guys
This is my first mix for a "djent" band, whatever djent mean..i don't care so much about this extreme "subgenrering".

let me know what you think, i'm going to mixx full EP soon and your suggestions will be really appreciated!
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Sounds pretty good to me so far. The drums sound a bit robotic and unnatural - it doesn't sound and mesh like a real kit, it moreso sticks out like a bunch of different samples. The kick is too clicky and present, the snare is very weak and muffled, and the SSD cymbals sound very raw. Guitar tone is good, could use with a hair or two more gain if anything.
thanks guys, actually we were looking for a "cold" and "unnatural" sound..i know it can sounds like nonsense to you but it was just an experiment lol
it is true that kick is too much present, i will work better on drum mixing for their next work!

however i used a axe fx II for guitars, just a few attemps since i got this unit and we found this tone (the pain in the ass was the ibanez with emg 808, according to me this genre gives its best on bareknuckle passive pickups, nut it's just my opinion).
ahaha no no i didn't want to say that!
i just expressed myself in a wrong way..
what i wanted to say was something like "i prefer a lot this pickup for the guitar sound i had in my head" lol