Rate this drums sound and mix it again if you like

Well, personally I'm loving it, I think it sounds awesome. Might be something odd going with the snare though. Clipping? Or some snare-bottom. Also the snare's reverb has something weird in it. I think you've got too much reverb overall, or too much low-end in it, and theres a too-strong frequency in the snare verb that I'm not liking.

If you upload the tracks I'd love to try mixing it, but it'll have to wait til tomorrow arvo.
The snare is my only problem, im such a noob with snares and reverb. Im gonna upload the cymbals , kick, and a different snare with no fx and without reverb wich could be used for sample replacement,
also kick multi samples for the ones who liked the kick .
Toms are not included. I just need a killer snare sound :D
Oh, please include the snare, I think it sounds awesome. Very natural. Samples of that please if you have them!

If you don't like that snare sound, try posting up a sample of what snare sound you DO like, but I want those samples anyway! ;p
hmmm, about a snare sound i like ... im stuck for life with the drum sound on the new gojira record. Everything sounds cool on that album. I was trying to get a similar drum sound but i totally FAIL .
I've got a day off from study tomorrow, so I'll try play around with the wav files (can't download now because I'm running ahead on my bandwidth limit).

Pleeeease post the snare up! If you have samples of it that would be the best, I love its sound.

Is this a real kit? Or programmed?
If so can you shed some info on the mic'ing?
Exactly , ez was used, but kick and snare were replaced with some homemade samples . I just can´t get a decent snare sound , the problem i think is that i tend to mix each piece to sound good on its own , instead of mix with all the instruments involve.
Morgoe that snare is on the rar file but without reverb. You could cut several hits on the slow parts . The thing was programed so there is no bleeding from other parts of the kit.