Rate This Mix - new mix ValveKing - Slate - New Bass Guitars


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Ok so this is my 3rd post of this tune ...lol


What I am looking for specifically is a critique on:

1. overall mix
2. drum mix
3. bass tone
4. vocal over all tone and how well they sit in the mix(the performance is a bit sloppy i know :p)

The performance on the guitars and vocals is sloppy in place and I am bringing the band back in this weekend to re-record parts and re-do the solos. I didnt notice how bad the rhythm guitars were until THIS mix. Once I got it up and going i was like HOLY SHIT the guitars are sloppy ...lol

The guitars are:
71 Les Paul
Valve King 1x12 Combo into a Marshall 4x12 w/ v30s
Audix i5
M-Audio Mobile Pre
Low pass at 80hz high pass at 10k

Bass guitar - Ibanez 5 string run into a tube screamer for some grit, Wave Maxxx bass with a boost at around 80hz & 160hz

Vocals iZotope Ozone tape saturation some delay and reverb

Drums - Slate Dream Kit with Andy's snare samples mixed under the Slate snare for some depth.

Any feed back is appreciated.
Not a fan of the guitarsound here, but it somehow fits the style really well!

Cymbals are quite low
bass is ok i think
snare and kick sound nice, but very programmed ;)
Vocals stick out quite much, I'd lower the delay...but they sound well balanced EQwise to me
do I hear clipping/distortion (2:30 + ) or are my headphones fucked?

I like the tune!
snare and kick sound nice, but very programmed

Not enough variation in the velocities or are they quantized too much?

Vocals stick out quite much, I'd lower the delay...but they sound well balanced EQwise to me

ya i noticed this listening on my speakers at work, its funny cause they sound ok on my monitors. I can bring them down a bit. As for the delay that was his request but I will tweak it anyway ...lol

do I hear clipping/distortion (2:30 + ) or are my headphones fucked?
I just noticed this as well, I am wondering if maybe its the solo sitting to hot in the mix..... or if the loudness maximizer is too much ... is it just that spot in particular or is it the whole tune?

Guitars sound thin
Is it the bass not carrying enough lows or is it the actual guitar tone not being thick enough?

Thank for your input, Ill get to work on this over the weekend and repost.
Not enough variation in the velocities or are they quantized too much?

Both on the cymbals, and more velocitiy on snare (kick isnt that much a problem in this kind of music imo, but its always better if it's as humanized as possible I think)
But I'm not a huge fan of the SSD Overheads in general

ya i noticed this listening on my speakers at work, its funny cause they sound ok on my monitors. I can bring them down a bit. As for the delay that was his request but I will tweak it anyway ...lol
I just think the delay is too loud, especially for thrash they arent that much of a need imo
But I also know vocalists who like them loud lol

I just noticed this as well, I am wondering if maybe its the solo sitting to hot in the mix..... or if the loudness maximizer is too much ... is it just that spot in particular or is it the whole tune?

Thank for your input, Ill get to work on this over the weekend and repost.

I think it was more during the solo, but also during other parts (but not as bad as during the solo)
no problem dude:headbang:
The issue with the drums sounds like a velocity thing, not quantizing. It sound like there was clipping in more than one spot, so it could be from going for your loudness. I'm just guessing on that though, as I still struggle with that myself.
Ok so here it is with a few changes ....

Brought down the vocals 1.5db
Less Delay on Vox
Took out the Sneap snare from the mix
Edited the velocities on snare and toms
Brought the cymbals up 1db and panned them out a bit more
Brought down the volume on the entire mic slightly
Brought down the solos in the mix 1db
Added Limiter on entire track


Any better?