Rate this tone (BMTH/Djent style)


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
Been recording a friend of mine whos building up a small portfolio of his work and ideas and this is what we got today


there's not bass as of yet but I'm hoping for some feedback on the general tone, or even the mix. The mix is only real quick but still any advice would be grateful!

edit: just realized cymbals are missing from the break down
the guitars are a shade over fizzy and the guitar on the whole doesnt sound great due to it being out of tune at moments and poorly intonated =[

id suggest getting it set up if he's building a portfolio and wants it to be of the best quality possible
sortve reminds me two twenty two bit in for the fallen dreams

I've never really listened to FTFD, heard bits and bobs but was never majorly impressed! I'll have to check them out

the guitars are a shade over fizzy and the guitar on the whole doesnt sound great due to it being out of tune at moments and poorly intonated =[

id suggest getting it set up if he's building a portfolio and wants it to be of the best quality possible

I got a slight 2k boost in my master bus so that would probably be it, seen as 2 people have mentioned that now I'll get on it :P And i know what you mean about the tuning, we didnt tune after EVERY take which I should have made him do really.

I think we're going to re-record. The track is only 2 mins 10 and he's a pretty tight guitarist so it shouldnt be too much bother. Plus its a fun song!