Rate this tone - Jeffs RoseOfSharynDI's


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
So I had some time tonight to fuck with Jeffs DIs from Rose Of Sharyn.

The setup:

TS9>5150> Direct out> Catharsis Fredman DIs 5s

Gain 9:00
Tone: 1:00
Level: 12:00

Red Channel
Pre Gain:4

Ran 2 tracks left and right panned 100% each side

Guitars had a bit of EQ on them:
1.5 db boost at 200hz
2bd cut at 800hz
2db boost at 3k
1.5db cut at 15k

What ya think?


FYI 14MB, Mp3 converter is givng me issues :(
thats sound realy good man :D

I dont like the mix that much but the sound of the guitars is good :)
Well its not really a MIX per se, as the drums and bass are just a single stereo track for a reference :)

Those Catharsis impulses are fucking incredible. I dont think I am ever going to mic a cab again ....lol Just my 5150 from the direct out right to the interface ... hahahah
yup so I decided this is how I am doing my guitars for the rest of my life ...lol

Just amazing how those impulses really clean up all that scratch. I been trying to duplicate this micing technque for 3 days now with no luck :(

Then again I have been using a 57 and an i5, maybe I need another 57 :shrug:
Doesn't Catharsis have some videos on YouTube of how he mics his cabs and sets up his 5150 (or 6505, I can't remember...)?
Ya i was pumping the shit out of it for no reason honestly ....lol I just love that way that came out though. It was just a random idea ... hey lets use the direct out and an impulse and see what we get ....

Put the impulse on and BOOOM just this massive sound. I will definitely be doing this for a long time to come!
Turn the whole thing down and make it so it doesn't clip and its good! Still a bit scratchy on the guitars but not horrible at all. There is definitely some kind of digital distortion, I think the levels of the guitars into or out of the VST's are too hot and its clipping there.
Im working on one :) .... Ya the Zero mids thing through me for a loop too on it. When I had the mids where I usually keep them between 3 and 4 it just sounded flat with no depth what so ever. So I said fuck it let me try this, what they hell right....lol It worked though. Could be the impulses helping it who knows, all I know is I fucking love it !!