Yeah, I don't know, Summoning is just one of those bands that I've never been able to "get." But if other people find it epic or whatever, good for them.
0/10 You are not listening to anything....anyway why are you getting so touchy? So what if someone does not like a song you like..lol

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Yea, the two obnoxious fucktards whose opinions I care the least about dislike Meads. Consider me heartbroken and distraught.

0/10 You are not listening to anything....anyway why are you getting so touchy? So what if someone does not like a song you like..lol

I know there is something lacking in posts called tone, but it is not always needed to recognize sarcasm. Read the first sentence of Morgenstern's post. Now read the second. There, did you see it? Sarcasm.
Yea, the two obnoxious fucktards whose opinions I care the least about dislike Meads. Consider me heartbroken and distraught.

If you don't care all that much about our opinions, then why the emotional outburst masquerading as indifference? I actually take it as a compliment that this seems to have had such a big effect on you.
Sounds like a pro-tooled circle jerk. 2/10.

@ Sven Pakkanen

Quite easily one of my all time favorite black metal albums. Flawless.
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