If you don't care all that much about our opinions, then why the emotional outburst masquerading as indifference? I actually take it as a compliment that this seems to have had such a big effect on you.

Misinterpreting a general statement of amusement as an emotional outburst just to get a confidence boost seems pretty pathetic.

Abigor gets 8/10

>gives Tolalitar a 2
>posts a Dimmu Borgir video
I've heard some good Master material, but that isn't an example. It felt extremely overlong, the riffs were all generic, and the vocals sound like a stoned guy with strep throat whining more than actual death vocals. 2/10.


EDIT: That should be King Diamond's A Visit from the Dead, but it's not working for some reason. :confused:
Most traditional/thrash-styled music is at least decent, but that manages to suck quite heavily. The main riff is so generic and they use it in a sort of Master of Puppets way, thinking that repeating it for a minute as an introduction will build suspense, but it's only boring. And they hardly leave it, except for a good riff after nearly four minutes. The production sounds like shit, the gang vocals are passionless, and aside from a good solo they sound entirely lacking of musical ability. 2.5/10.

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7/10 Really dug it, except the vocals.
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