They're not my favorite USPM band, but they are USPM and in the epic Fates Warning-vein of things, so it doesn't matter if they are third-rate. They still pwn probably every power metal band Dagon666 thinks is good.

Do they pwn Helloween, Iced Earth and Demons & Wizards? I don't think so pal. But then again, I'm not a big power metal fan.

As for Satanstoenail song: 3/10 not my pint of beer

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Do they pwn Helloween, Iced Earth and Demons & Wizards? I don't think so pal. But then again, I'm not a big power metal fan.

Uh yeah, they're better then Demons and Wizards and Iced Earth(and this is coming from someone who just two years ago listened to Iced Earth everyday). I haven't heard any Helloween post Keeper albums though.
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Thinking of seeing her live, imagine if the crowd is into it the show'd be great
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Something worthy for once, but not one of there best songs 6/10

Sorry If it's the only thing I'm posting but these guys are fucking kicking my ass!
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Seriously this band is awful, Children of Bodom clone that somehow manages to be worse than they are. Better than the last song though, 3/10

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Seriously this band is awful, Children of Bodom clone that somehow manages to be worse than they are. Better than the last song though, 3/10

Please tell me how they sound anything like CoB...they have no resemblance whatsoever. There sounds aren't even close to being identical.

not my cup of tea 4/10

oh and DDD said in some interview that they sound like COB, read it in metal hammer I'm sure.
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