7/10 Good shit...

Hahaha, have a good time listening and rating this SHIT! Even worse then their last song, can they get any worse?
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Electronic music is something I've tried to get into. While I do enjoy some of it, A lot seems overly repetitive, sample-abusing, or simply too bouncy and annoying. That song is all three. 1/10.

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Guitar tone sounds pretty atypical of doom. Very cool stuff.



One of the few sludge bands I care about these days.
That My Dying Bride song definitely 9/10

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0/10. Holy shit, that was one of the most boring songs I've ever listened to. The riffing sucked, including the solo, the vocals sucked, the drumming was mediocre, and their keyboard/synth/whatever you want to call it was stupid sounding. It reminded me of an old school Nintendo video game.

It's almost too easy to be a black metal band anymore. Go play unimaginative riffs over and over again with horrible production so it sounds grim and evil and then basically try to showcase your weak chops and overall lack of ingenuity when it comes to music, ugh. Anyways, here's what I'm listening to.

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