6/10 for Open Casket? Your avatar should be stabbed in the face over and over again with a long dagger!

oh, btw, 6/10

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yeah I can recommend Sinister Thoughts (their best song imo). 9/10 love Cryptopsy!

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That was really good, though I thought when the singing broke in around 3:20 it let the song down a bit. Any info on the band/album? Couldn't find much after a cursory google...


Listened to this album again today; one of my favourite current songwriters in metal...

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6.5/10 Sounds good, but was missing something.

As far as Beyond goes, all I could find is that they are a Death Metal outfit from Germany, were once called Shapeless, and this is their first full length album, Fatal Power of Death. I agree that the posted track is excellent.

Ok, this one might require you to be in the right mood for it. As Witchfynde had been shoved into the plethora of NWOBHM that came out in the 80's, this album didn't really fit into their mold and was quickly dismissed. However, I have lately been reviewing it and find that it contains a gem or two. I think this song is actually pretty cool.

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6.5/10 Sounds good, but was missing something.

As far as Beyond goes, all I could find is that they are a Death Metal outfit from Germany, were once called Shapeless, and this is their first full length album, Fatal Power of Death. I agree that the posted track is excellent.

Ok, this one might require you to be in the right mood for it. As Witchfynde had been shoved into the plethora of NWOBHM that came out in the 80's, this album didn't really fit into their mold and was quickly dismissed. However, I have lately been reviewing it and find that it contains a gem or two. I think this song is actually pretty cool.

Witchfynde - Trick or Treat

Well they're good friends of mine so just wanted to see what the other thought about them. And this is their first and release and EP so I still see some good potential. They're influenced by Dying Fetus and Suffocation as far as they told me :)
8/10 Solid vocals nice driving rhythm. Not a fan of the clicked up bass drum, though that might just be youtube.

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5/10, not my cup of tea, if I drank tea.

Apparently I fail at linking youtube videos to the forum.
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