Pretty cool lines goin on there, not my style though 5/10

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get rid of that monster signature picture jesus christ you dumbass


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Jesus man you're just goin for gold, aren't ya? An obvious 10/10

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6/10. I don't listen to instrumental much but this was a good one, it kept me interested for the first half of the song at least. Did get a little repetitive towards the end.

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6/10. I don't listen to instrumental much but this was a good one, it kept me interested for the first half of the song at least. Did get a little repetitive towards the end.


6/10 Can't really decide if it wants to be heavy or melodic and in the end it ends up as neither, but still fun to a degree though.

5/10, not bad but I think they could have benefit with a little more balance between the harsh and clean vocals.

Cleans reminded me of this one, big fan of that particular accented somberness:

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5/10, not bad but I think they could have benefit with a little more balance between the harsh and clean vocals.

Cleans reminded me of this one, big fan of that particular accented somberness:


8/10 This is quite nice, interesting piano/symphonics and melodic vocals, but lacking the Black Metal blast beat drumming that I love.

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