I'd honestly appreciate if you didn't jump down my throat, because this is just an impression from a single listen. I've never heard this band before, and my initial response is it kind of feels like, I dunno, if the Disco Biscuits played a metal track. Really good musicians playing kinda waste-y jammy. I used to be vehemently against that sort of thing because I don't fucking like hippies. But I've grown a lot more tolerant of it over the years, and there's one repeated bit in there that kinda sounds like a dissection/deconstruction of "Call of Ktulu," that is just fucking cool. 8/10

that's actually in parts a much heavier version of Death's Voice of the Soul and the only disco biscuits you're hearing there is from literally the best bass player in the world today, one of the same dudes we were all praising in another thread just a few days ago and that is one of his best tracks where he is front and center for the most of it ... but okay. Just shows how uneducated you are when it comes to musical compositions(something youve displayed numerous times already). Its one of the greatest death metal instrumentals of all time. And i'd honestly appreciate if you just rate the damn song next time instead of personally responding to me here(or anywhere else tbh).

solid song from a somewhat overrated album. Quite a few better songs on there 8/10

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That was sick. Like being raped by an alien computer. 7.5/10

haha yeah, both of those instrumental are pretty much inverted classical compositions for the most part. Every instrument is played by a virtuoso(JPT, Grossmann, Muenzner and Kummerer). @3:26 all the way to 4:55 is just nuts! not too many people can even come close to replicating what they did there.

I mean, if you wanna leave me the fuck alone, I'd be delighted to leave you alone. But you would actually have to leave me alone.
fuck off manhands. no one asked you to do anything more than rate/review a song here instead of starting your post with a "I'd honestly appreciate if you didn't bla bla bla".

That was sick. Like being raped

5.5/10. not my thing and some parts like where the dude is plucking away at the bass were just plain offensive to me lol

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Not really my thing, but I know one of their songs that I hear all the time on the radio which is alright, but I wouldn't go out and listen to them...

Holy shit, is that a deathcore cover of a song from Rent or something? I don't think numbers can even encapsulate my reaction, so from my song to yours...

Great! Catchy from the beginning to the end.

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Very interesting and catchy, he has a really good voice. For me just one minus - quality of recording (but I suspect, that it's just as planned). Cool. 8.5/10.

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I don't like Mary Poppins. But I like death metal... and I'm unsure whether I regret that 2 minutes of my life or not. 6.5/10, mainly for the weirdness of it :lol:

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Powerful, very energetic, I like the riffs. 8/10.

Appreciate that. I designed the logo for these guys, they were real young and put one album out as Overthrow back in 2012, called Adjust to Darkness. When I posted the song I was hoping someone would enjoy it 'cause I think the album's great. Powerful and energetic sums it up perfectly in my opinion. Check the album out man, it's great!

As for your song? You know what, when I was younger I used to hate this kind of stuff. Aas I've gotten older I've really begun to appreciate and enjoy bands like Rise Against. This is a great song, good lyrics and I love the chorus. 8/10
