7/10. ligeti is p badass but i like him mainly 'cause of his influence on elend (and not so much his scoring of 2001 or his music by itself).

^Nightwish song 1/10, I does very rarely rate stuff 1/10. If the song had been an instrumental track it would have scored much higher. I fucking hate those kind of horrible opera vocals, always hated Nightwish cause of that.

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0/10, really, what the fuck was that?

Good stuff 8/10

And now, for something that will get an inevitable low rating, but is still fairly graceful goregrind... something I havent heard very many times.

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That Adramelch song is incredible, it's a toss-up between it and Slough Feg's High Passage / Low Passage as best traditional/power song since the 80's.

As for the inevitable, 0/10. Seriously, what the fuck is up with that song? I thought goregrind was supposed to be fast and br00tal and shit. That sounds a muppet gurgling over Green Jelly riff with some kitchen pan drumming. Weakest shit ever.

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4/10. It's good, but absolutely not extraordinary. It's reliance on riff convention is very heavy. Although, it is written with a consistency of style and well performed.

Sounded like For Whom The Bell Tolls with harsher vocals. Ok I guess, 5/10

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Ach no, not a fan of Converge. :erk: But i'm in a good mood so 3/10

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