^ You're doing it wrong.

edit: ok, fine. Copy/pasted the link. 5/10, pretty much competently played, music is totally average. Boring.

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4/10 generic, boring, song doesn't appear to have much direction. I used to listen to that band. Their appeal wore off really quickly.

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4/10, Definitely not what I would expect from a newer Sentenced album. Just those two riffs are better than their past few albums combined. I wish they still played stuff like that. Still, the riffs are not up to the standard of North from Here (which is the album they're alluding to) and the damn thing is only 1 minute.

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6/10, I love that album but that track sounds pretty dated imo

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Really? It rocks my socks off. I like you less now. :bah:

I think I've just heard that album WAY too many times. To the point where I can't appreciate it properly anymore or something. Still love Them Bones and Rain When I Die heaps though.
Entombed track - 5/10

Not a fan of rock`n roll styled death metal.

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6.5/10. Songwriting quality never reaches that of Dissection or Sacramentum, but still, solid swedish black/death metal.

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Would have liked to have heard a bit more dm in the song. It was still better than i expected.

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good song, but probably the most boring one on that classic album

production is kinda muddy on mine, so make sure to use 480p
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