6.5/10 impressive, but that middle section is a blatant Pink Floyd ripoff

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That introduction was hilariously pretentious, but had some tr00th to it as well. The music was only pretentious. Well, actually, maybe not, as it gets very groovy and Pantera-ish towards the middle-end. 4/10.

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If you can't rate it because you live in some godforsaken shithole, maybe wait until someone else puts something up that you can actually watch. Eh?
Or you could post a video that actually works (which can be found in two seconds). Once the thrashy riff comes in it gets pretty good, and the "sticks and stones" line made me smile, but the song seems a minute or so overlong. 6.5/10.

Deathwitch is pretty generic and boring. If they explored the doomy post-chorus riff it could have been better, but 3/10 as it is.

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When you literally live inside of a long hole o' shit, it's hard to notice the rest of the world through your little gap to the outside world, and to confuse your surroundings as not belonging to you.
How strange. Embedding is disabled, but other than that it works fine for me. It's an official Sony clip, I can't understand why it'd be unavailable in other countries.
4/10 for the strange ambient dnb track, I guess its good for what it is
