This is what you think "80s metal" sounds like if your frame of reference is that Disturbed album you were still listening to last week. 3/10


Emperor never clicked for me when I first discovered In the Nightside Eclipse. Doing this song now from this EP made me think that I really need to go back to ItNE and see what I think of it now, several years later. Solid BM song with an apparent atmosphere and Ihsahn's vocals were much more enjoyable than I remember them. I would need to listen to this a few more times to properly decide whether it is expendable to me or not. 7/10

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Some of their stuff is listenable, but Ive never been a fan. 1/10.

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7/10 Not bad.

This probably won't be received too well...
6/10; a little too boring for me... vocals make me want to go to sleep.

idk how to embed the video in, so here's a link:
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Creepy spoken word intro - excellent.
Rest of the song - ...
It was an acoustic cover of one of their normally death metal songs, it was just a campy song they decided to do in that sense - it wasn't some hipster faggotry like you claim it to be.