1) I'm aware of when it was made, but that doesn't change that the clarity issues bother me. I'm one of those toolboxes that tries to get the highest fidelity of his audio files. I found it distracting.

If you're having clarity issues with this recording, its because you aren't plugging your computer into an adequate sound system. Stop using cheap speakers and the problem goes away.

2) The interpretation is subjective.

Untrue. It is NOT subjective. There are correct interpretations (which acknowledge and follow the intent of the composer) and incorrect interpretations (which impose the conductor's will on a work of art that they'll never understand with the clarity of a composer). My experience is that people who prefer incorrect or inauthentic performances generally don't really understand the music or mind of the composer. Failing to grasp the intent of the artist, they don't know what to listen for.
8/10. Feel like they didn't really have much of an idea for 60% of that song, but the breakdown was pretty sweet. Sweet album art / name too.

Lo, for a damning ode of "Humanity's Cesspool" that curse'eth man's folly, arrogance and insatiable greed!
We are fucking parasitic.
Eating out the womb of the planet

admonish'eth ye vocalist, in a squeal more swine than man; as if mankind's tendencies be'ith on par with this beast that wallow'eth within it's very own filth!

Quite powerful and condemning, dear GrayRain, VII/X!

This post now concludeth!
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Lo, ye noble knight. Whilst I highly respect'eth metallurgy of the opiate variety, I do not liketh the travesty thy electric necromancer hast inflicted upon the Sabbathian grail. III/X

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^ (Not to break the thread but...) It's the band who became Necrodeath if that helps, band reformed recently with the drummer from Necrodeath taking over bass/vocals and put that thing out last year.
9/10. Never listened to Swallow The Sun that much, but I've always liked them a lot. Downloading that album now.


Got this on the recc of Slam Minded and damn does it deliver
^ 5/10
Well to be honest I didn't like what I heard, the production is bad and the music or vocals are not anything standout. I really listen to these kind of stuff on occasion but I feel that this music doesn't not have a purpose other than moshing, I just can't find any musical quality in it.

Here's what I'm listening to at the moment, they are some friends of mine. Music is hardcore, metalcore experimental, I really listen to their album non-stop the last couple days!
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